Editorials, etc...

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Book of D: The Fucking Feels

I woke up so depressed this morning. Not sure what's going on. My current escitilopram dose probably needs tweaking. I'm not trying to be flippant by downplaying or trivializing my current mood, I'm merely stating an obvious fact. I need to speak to my endocrinologist about it soon. I don't know what to do about my work situation except to just find a job somewhere.

Whether it makes me happy or if it's something that I want to do with my life right now. I just feel like I have to bring in some income right now, to have money of my own. I'm afraid that if I don't do something about my current depression, it might escalate into lord knows what. What could be worse. I don't dare to even go there. I'm used to making money. Good money. This not bringing in income isn't working for me at all. To add salt to the proverbial wound, I've been disappointed in people lately. For instance, many of the people that I've helped out in the past have been scare in reaching out to me lately - for certain, none have come to my aid. It sucks so much. Maybe it's just my mea culpa, and I need to stop dwelling on who's helping and who isn't. I do remember, though, how my late Mom would always tell me to watch my money because I might need it one day, and no one would be there to extend the same kind of support to me. My Mom was so wise. Aside from her financial advice, telling me to invest in commodities and real estate/land, her advice about life in general was always so spot on. I miss Mama so much. Especially during times like this. But, I just need to jump this current mood and recall the good things I have in my life versus focusing on what's missing. 😌 

Friday, May 24, 2024

Book of D: Joshua J. Dominguez, Commencement 2024

Congrats to my great-nephew, Joshua J. Dominguez. Big Spring High School. Class of 2024.