Editorials, etc...

Friday, June 14, 2024

Book of D: WERO

It's Friday, June 14th. You passed away at 7:15 pm. Your entire family was with you: your wife Eva, your daughters Erica and Felicia, your son-in-law Nick, and your grandbabies Ava and Noah. They were all there, Wero, by your side - like always - to bid you farewell and to help make your journey back Home to meet your Maker a more calm and peaceful experience. 
Your family was enjoying dinner in your hospital room (Nick was taking Ava to Ross to buy a gift for a friend's birthday, but they immediately went back to MMH) when Erica noticed your erratic breathing and quite possibly your last breath. Needless to say, your wife, my sister Eva, and your daughters were shocked and heartbroken that you had passed away. I won't discuss more because you were there, my brother-in-law, and you know what actually happened. You knew your family was at some peaceful point in life, so you decided it was okay to leave this world. 
You waited an entire day to pass away, and I'd like to think that you waited because you didn't want to leave on your late son's birthday (June 13th). You wanted Philip (your junior) to be able to have his birthday all to himself; after all, Philip was such a remarkable human, and he deserves to be remembered all on his own. As you know, Philip was so young, and he was taken from you, your family, from all of us - much too soon. I take great peace knowing that Philip (*Epé*) was there, at the Pearly Gates, after St. Peter gave you the third degree, that is 😉, to greet you Home. I love you so much, Wero. I'll miss you forever! 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Book of D: The Bathroom Chase

I had dream that one of my nieces kept following me around the hospital to every bathroom I went to use. I'm not sure what to even think of that except maybe that I need to watch out for her during this difficult ordeal that has pretty much stolen her dad from her and slowly devastated her family. All I know is that I'll be more mindful of my niece during these next strenuous, heartbreaking days.