Editorials, etc...

Monday, May 2, 2011

May 1st, 2011 another day 1 in May to remember: the last one being in 1945 "Hitler is dead"!

Way to go American troops world-wide: esp. Navy Seals i.c./w Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), Panetta (future Sec of Def), all those affiliated with yesterday's capture/death of Bin Laden.
America also showing after almost 18 years of seeking the mad-man known as Osama, that we are as diligent, steadfast, unwavering and patient as any group, anywhere who wishes ill will against us and our allies that we will seek justice no matter what!!!
Americans like Trump should be ashamed of speaking ill of President Obama when he (Obama) was one of the persons at the helm of yesterday's capture. Perhaps a hero, not sure I am ready to give such accolades to just one person yet, but Obama is more worthy of such a title than his nemesis whom is known more for 4 non-heroic things:
1) the stupid coiffe on his head
2) for filing for bankruptcy to avoid paying taxes
3) for the stupid t.v. show
4) for his ear-worm saying "you're fired"!
Really, Donald, that's the best you can do?!!
I am proud that our President did not settle for air strikes against the million dollar compound where the coward Bin Laden was hiding, but he agreed to and approved a die-hard ground attack, 'mano a mano', in order to not only get the evil man but to ensure his death. Perhaps we can refer to that as a commander's preemptive authority.
I dare make this prediction for it is my own personal but fearless prediction...I see re-election for the President in 2012 and the likes of Trump (a.k.a. "Tromp L'oeil" / "fool the eye")finally being dismissed for the ignorant, petty, un-presidential character/person he is. If our citizenry is truly intelligent and wants only the best for this awesome country, people like Trump and other belligerent people and groups will soon go away (fade away) and make way for those whom truly have our best interests at heart.
As I stated last night, this is a victory not just for our great nation, but for the world. Another evil man has been removed as was announced some 66 years ago when Hitler's cowardly suicide was also announced on another glorious day, a first day in May!!!

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