Editorials, etc...

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Racial Issues: To Stifle Or Not To Stifle: Doing Unto Others, etc...

This post is dedicated to those who tried in vain to "shut-up" a group of people and then pretended they did nothing wrong and are friends to everyone!  And worse yet they have the audacity to keep on acting as if they are better than others and constantly continue to fail to see their own shortcomings - which are many!  May they one day see the error of their ways and just change them!  No need to apologize for what they have already done as it is much too late and a moot point at this juncture in time - their belligerent and ill actions have created too many hurt feelings to revert to having previous friends from ever trusting in them or in their promises of true friendship.  They cannot say and/or deny that they did not do anything wrong. Especially when matters were never discussed first and foremost within the group of friends and/or colleagues who were associated with the matter and instead said matters were taken straight to upper management.  They cannot say and/or deny that trying to keep people of a certain race from speaking their native language is not a racial issue either.  Until they themselves are subjected to such an ordeal as a minority should they even try to say they understand because clearly they cannot.  In the meantime and next time...first try exercising candor, camaraderie, understanding and diplomacy before becoming whistle blowers and culprits. And for Pete's sake do not say..."some of my best friends are..." - you know the rest!

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