Editorials, etc...

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Dora's Corner: Ain't Misbehavin': Survival Of The Fittest (Parents)!

...So in taking that business trip yesterday, not only did I see too many kids acting up everywhere we went, but I may have found a solution.  A solution for people like me that is.  And who am I?  A person happily involved in an awesome relationship of 16+ years, double-income, lots of freedom, beaucoup spontaneity with no kids!  No kids, but...thoroughly concerned about our youth.  Why?  Well, for one I am a fighter for the well-being and good treatment of children everywhere.  Wanting to save everyone's innocence, per se --kind of like Catcher In The Rye (1951) maybe I am a little like Holden Caulfield --or more like one J.D. Salinger since he did write this wonderful book.  I am a protector of children especially (and of the elderly).  No, I am not mentally incapacitated or mentally disabled as Holden was, but he had a way of looking at things and of wanting things.  I would love to save the innocence of our children, but I live in the real world.  Try as hard as I can --there are so many (too many) who slip through the cracks every single solitary day.
Second, being sans kids, I adore the children in our family; they are "my kids!"  Not only do I love them, but I enjoy spending time with them.  Teaching them anything I can.  Discovering what they in turn have learned from what we taught them, what they learned in school or from wherever.  As long as it is positive and enforces good nature and encourages a love for learning...I am agreeable to it.
 Well, it seems I went off on a tangent there, and I have not yet explained my solution for kids who act up in public. 
It's so simple (I love saying 'simple')...wear earplugs!  Wow.  How freaking insightful of me, right!  No, not really.  I shall explain...for one, do not ever approach anyone's child and never insinuate (vocally or otherwise) your dislike of said child in any manner because you will suffer the wrath of respective parents, guardians, care-givers, etc...  DON'T DO THAT!  Everyone at one time or another has had to publicly endure the occasional rants and cries of a child.  "Town-crier" being earned by kids acting rotten.  Do you seriously think that the parent does not hear the same thing.  Do you think that the parent enjoys hearing or seeing his/her kid act so badly. 
If I had children I know I would not appreciate anyone telling me or my child anything negative.  I would like to think that my child would have good manners and would act nicely and courteously at all times, but I know that no one (not even me) lives in a perfect world.  A Utopian society where people are perfect and make excellent parents does not exist.  Having perfect children does not exist.  Be mindful of others because one day it could be you in their shoes.  Just bear and grin it.  You and only you have the final solution to matters such as this or any others like this.  So just be nice and remember the things you can do:
1) leave the area
2) keep quiet and stay pretending like it is not bothersome to you
3) wear those earplugs
Children will be children and we gotta love 'em!
Just my take for the day!

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