Editorials, etc...

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Dora's BIZ Corner: An Evening At A Seminar!

...Tonight was the much anticipated business seminar.  Sara and I were sent special (V.I.P.) invitations.  The business gurus leading the seminar are people whose business prospective strategies I have used for a long time.  As I have often stated, I do not have heroes outside my circle of family, but these people are as close as heroes might get--in my life.
I am so glad that we made this seminar.  We almost did not make it because of other business matters.  The topics covered were exactly two of the most intriguing topics that have captivated my attention for a long time.  We signed up for other work seminars and for a weekend training retreat.  I hope all of this leads to something positive.
Most of the topics, as I stated above, was not new to me.  The terminology was also well-known to me.  However, being able to use all that knowledge (old and new) is what I really wanted and needed to know.  It is like baking a cake.  You know which ingredients you need, but you are not sure how to mix it all together in a cohesive manner in order to garner the best outcome.  That cohesiveness is what this person requires in order to begin another venture in the real estate market.  I already deal in mortgage notes so this new market is kind of icing on the cake, per se.  I am now going to go full force with tax liens and buying foreclosed properties in order to flip for a huge profit.  I can do this.  I have been studying the real estate market for a long time.  At one time I even interned as a realtor.  It was short-lived, but I got a foot in and learned a lot.  It was because of the internship that I delved further into real estate. 
Real estate has always been a passion of mine.  Buying older homes, fixing them and selling has always been something I loved to do.  I am actually great at it.  Everyone who knows me knows that I always had a knack for building and fixing houses.  Bob Villa was someone I looked up to way before flipping got so popular.  Sure I love computer programming first and foremost; CP is my true career, but the real estate thing is what I would love to do on the side, and if I can become more successful doing that, then maybe CP will take a backseat. 
All I know is that I am ready to start on a path towards different, bigger and better.  Since I am already continuing my education in computer engineering, then this other real estate venture should not interfere.  I can do both things at once.  Just like I know that I will still have time for sports, politics, writing, etc...  It is all a new opportunity for me--a new day, if you will.  It is all good.  All I have to do now is to focus on what I have already learned and to be open to new ideas and to mesh it altogether to make lemonade.
Just my take for the day!


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