Editorials, etc...

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Dora's BIZ Corner: To Start A Business Or Not To Start A Business!

...Well, when a person has too many options/choices, making decisions can become difficult.  Too many choices is often not a good thing.  Personally, when I have too many choices I tend to get a little irritated.  But not like I did 20 years ago.  Through the maturity of my later years, I have learned to retain my composure, but there remain days when some people just bite through the very last nerve I have for them.  LOL (or not)!
Anyway, I have the opportunity to open my own business, and I am not certain what I should do.  I am still following through with my return-to-college, but if I open a business or go into a joint venture with family or friends (more options), then school might take a backseat, per se. 
I am not sure if I want to open my own franchise, go into biz with family, go into biz with friends or to focus primarily on college.  I really want to tweak my computer programming skills and maybe apply for a job with the government (Austin, TX).  I have seen several postings on different job sites for government-related jobs in programming, IT, system's administration.  Sara works for the government and often brings job postings home to me or she emails job links to me.  The pay is bar none especially when you consider the fringe benefits.  The benefits alone are outstanding as is the tenure-track.  I know that tenure-track is more for college professors and such, but the government offers such a thing, but it is called something else--the term eludes me for the moment, but, hey, no big deal.
Anyway, the government jobs are everywhere in the state (TX), but the best ones are at our state capitol.  Matter-of-fact, all 50 states offer excellent opportunities as does our fare state.  I would not mind Arkansas.  Sara and I have been to Little Rock several times, and the camaraderie we experienced there was awesome.  The best area to live would be North Little Rock.  It can be pricey, but not as bad as Midland.  Heck, there are not many areas that are more expensive than Midland these days.  Midland is probably the most expensive area to live in for the entire state of Texas.  St. Louis, MO is another area that we fell in love with during our vast and many travels.  If Sara had her way (and one day she probably will), we would be living in NYC.  She would live anywhere in the New England area; she loves the cold and the ocean.  Perhaps I should clarify that she (like me) prefers the Atlantic over the Pacific.  Sara loves the snowy weather so any state along the eastern seaboard starting with the state of New York northbound to Maine would appease my Sara.  I know I would be happy living in NYC.  We just do NOT want to live in the south.  It is not progressive enough for us.  I do not welcome the cold weather as much, but I do love the vibes that a big city has...I will live almost anywhere as long as I am there living a healthy and happy life with the love of my life--Sara!
The chance to move has never been within reach and probable as it is right now.  For a long time I have wanted to move to another part of the state or to another state; anywhere as long as we live in a large city.  I love and welcome the opportunities that large cities would afford us.  I am a family-oriented person so I did not rock-the-boat when moving away came up.  I simply acknowledged that one day I would be open to the idea, but for many years my family was too important for me to make waves and move.  I especially wanted to be close in proximity to my mom.  Mom passed away a couple of years ago, and it hit me so hard.  Words fail to describe what her death did to me.  I am slowly coming around to find some kind of normalcy (whatever that is), and I am getting stronger.  With my Sara by my side, I feel myself ready to begin yet another chapter in my life.
So, with all of that stated above, I now need to decide what that next chapter in my life will be.  I know that we do not always get to do what we had hoped.  Like the saying goes (paraphrasing): "if you want to make G-d laugh, make plans!"  I have so many options before me right now as far as a career goes.  I have always been the type of person who needed to have a career.  I regret that I often do believe that a career defines a person.  Maybe I do not look at others in that manner, but I set the bar rather high for myself, and I do require a career of some sort.  Family still being important to me, but having a career is right up there after Sara, family, G-d, etc...  I have a career now, but it is far from what I want for myself.  I want more--not just to make money, but to enjoy what I will do for the rest of my life.  Like the other adage goes: "if you do something that you love, then you will never work a day in your life!"
Just my take for the day!

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