Editorials, etc...

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Dora's Corner: Raison D'Etre: Reason For Existence!

Everyone has that one something that captivates their mind, and enthralls their heart.  Each person has a reason for existing, living, etc..  Everyone has that certain raison d'etre!  Why and from where does it develop?  Je ne sais pas!  I believe that it is just something derived from living and being around other people, etc..  I just know that we all just have to figure out just what that one thing is, and maybe, just maybe, we can make a living doing it.  As the adage goes, "if you do something that you really love, you will never work a day in your life!"
For me the raison d'etre would include programming, coding, and almost anything that deals with computers especially computer graphics.  However, as much as I also like messing with the innards of a computer and am able to fix boards and such, it is the programming (System's Admin and IT) that I prefer.  I will work on computers when they are down for others, and most often, I find the problem and fix it -- whether is was mechanical or technical.  In trying to explain how I prefer the programming part of computers, I guess I could use an analogy like this one; a lover of cars does not desire to be a mechanic.  For me, dealing with the innards of a computer is more like being a mechanic.  I have nothing against mechanics either.  My brother and my nephew are mechanics.  My brother works on diesel motors and is quite good at it.  He makes a very profitable living doing so.  My nephew specializes more on green-cars, and he has learned and now teaches everything about electric cars.  He is an important team-member of Tesla Motors (San Francisco, CA).
The other things that make this person tick are: politics (don't get me started on this topic unless you are serious and have a lot of time on your hands, per se), history, writing (I have had a few articles/journals published, but I am by no way an author -- just because I have an affinity for writing does not make me a writer), reading (when I make time for it), and most of all, I love sports. 
Hey, give me a job as an IT person for a sport's franchise and then let me write about their team (whatever sport) and you have yourself a very "happy camper." 
This next semester I am focusing more on computer graphics as I return to college.  I aim to better myself and to extend my knowledge on the new computer technology as it grows every single day!  But, while I am working on these new endeavors, I plan on tweaking my writing.  Mostly I need to improve my grammatical side of writing.  Writing itself is wonderful for me; words seldom elude me.  I just suck at grammar like I already stated and as you can tell.  Sometimes when submitting written work I use a "nom de plume" so I am not actually getting credit for it.  I mostly use a pseudonym because the content may not be as welcomed by the people in my life with whom I would love to share my articles.  By-the-way, using a "pen name" is not because I am embarrassed to have my real name associated with a badly-typed piece.  Most companies use their respective editors/editing departments to fix any work submitted.  Besides I live with a person who has a masters in History and English (and excels at it) so most often I allow her to edit my work.  I am the computer/science/math person in our home while she is the grammar expert and Historian.  It's all good.
Just my take for the day!
(Oh, and did I mention that I also love anything French!)

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