Editorials, etc...

Monday, May 12, 2014

Dora's Corner: Defying the Defiant!

     I am a defiant person by nature, and I must insist on my autonomy as well.  I like knowing that everything I have is because of my hard work.  I do always try to give (respective) credit to those around me, whom have assisted me in my accomplishments! 
     Lately, I regret to say, I have come to notice that certain people I know/knew, have changed in a manner that leaves a sour taste in my mouth.  They believe that they are better than me, better than other people.  They chide others while they wrongly partake in self-praises.  If they could throw parades for themselves, I am certain they would.  They have become rather crude, insensitive, much too prideful, always unaccountable for their negative actions and their juvenile-induced pride.  They believe that they have attained true success, although the entire time, they were riding on the coattails of another. 
If I ever become such a person, please someone slap me!
     Much of what I have done has been through much hard work; much sweat and many tears.  Many persons have helped me through-out my life.  Through my late mother's tutelage-of-life, I have learned to work hard and to study hard.  I am proud of what I have done.  I welcome all the changes, that must come my way, for me to continue being successful.  May it be via monetary means, love, family, with it all, may success continue to touch my life and never elude me.  The good L-rd willing--knock wood--may success always be one of my blessings!  May I always see my blessings and never take anything or anyone for granted.  May my pride never overshadow my life nor the people who stuck around and loved me without condition.
Just my take for the day!

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