Editorials, etc...

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Dora's Corner: Domestic Violence!

I have been gone for a while, but I have had good reasons.  A return to college to finally pursue that one degree in Computer Engineering that has long eluded me.  But, that is not the reason for my rant-of-the-day; today's rant is on a topic which I am much too familiar with, and that is no lie.
It is in relation to one Ray Rice -- you know who he is by now -- he is the ex-player for the NFL's Baltimore Ravens.  He is especially now known as a bully, a coward and a woman beater.  No, I won't go into details about the case stemming from the elevator-incident because you should already be familiar with the story.  If you are not, I will give you a one-time pardon, and at least share a link with you where you may read about it: Ray Rice via TMZ.com: Ray Rice Elevator Knockout: Fiancee Takes Crushing Punch (Video)
My take on the entire disgusting event is simply this, why do people need to have a public figure, like Rice, to remind them of domestic violence.  This violence does not just happen to the "rich and famous," it happens to everyone.  I guess it is time to "wake the sleeping giant" once again.
Furthermore, the NFL and its Commissioner, Roger Goodell, got it so wrong from the beginning.  They finally set things right as of yesterday by enacting new policies regarding domestic violence for all NFL players going forward.  It bans a player for a certain amount of games for a first offense, and a lifetime ban for a second offense.  Yes, that is a good start, and, yes, better late than never, but...
Ray Rice is one of thousands (if not millions) of people who are too quick to hit another person.  To me, that is a raw definition of a coward.  Going forward, women (or anyone) who are in abusive relationships need to seek help or perhaps they need help.  Most often anyone who is being beaten lacks self-esteem.  He or she often wonders why this is happening to him or her, but instead of getting out of the relationship, they stay in believing that the person who is abusing him or her will change.  Many times the victim ponders with the question, "what am I doing wrong!"  That is sad, but I can relate to it.  Anyway...let's stop being a society that has to see a famous person do something so abhorrent (like what Rice did) before we remember how many awful things are happening outside our front doors.

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