Editorials, etc...

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Self-Indulgence: Extra, Extra...Read All About It!

Any chance I get to earn extra credit in any of my courses I have taken, but government has been the course in which I have earned more of those credits because I enjoy partaking in anything related to politics.  I have already attended a couple of events on our beautiful campus with my professor and a handful of other students.  One of the events was a town hall meeting, and our respective State Senator (district 31) was the guest speaker. 
Earlier this evening, Sara and I attended another awesome event with Vicente Fox and his wife Marta.  Mr. Fox is a former President of Mexico. The lecture (part of a lecture series at Midland College) and Q&A lasted about an hour and a half, but it was well worth it.  Mr. Fox had so much to talk about and so much to teach us, his neighbors to the north, and I hope many attendees listened as carefully as Sara and I did.

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