Editorials, etc...

Friday, September 26, 2014

Self-Indulgence: Hooray, But Not for Hollywood!

...Yep, it is getting a little more challenging at school; however, I must add that the rewards outweigh these challenges!  I have enjoyed each of my five classes thus far, but the most joy that I get is when I am asked to help tutor someone else.  I am no expert in any of my courses, but I am doing a little better than some of the other students.   
I thought that perhaps a person's age (and maturity) played a role in his or her progress, but that is not the case!  For example, in a couple of my classes, there are about five of us who are in the thirty plus age category, but the other four persons are not learning things as quickly.  Plus, their memory retention is severely lacking, which in turn, leads to them forgetting things that were reviewed not long ago.  I have no idea what that is about, but I do try to remain empathetic towards their dilemma.  In fact, I gladly abide and tutor them-with a happy face, of course. 
So, there went my idea that older students learn faster, know more, and are more advanced.  LOL!  Still there are a handful of students (millennials) who approach me for help or some that the professors redirected my way.  It's all good!
HOORAY for all who wish to learn and keep striving to do so
                                                                                  ...for none of us is ever too young or old to learn!

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