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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Dora's Corner: Girl's Day Out: A Day at the Met (kind of): Il Barbiere di Siviglia!

So, my niece, who is also enrolled at Midland College, and I attended this afternoon's showing of Il Barbiere di Siviglia (Rossini, 1775) at the Century Theater in Odessa.  There is a reason why we made the drive over there when Midland has better movie houses and one of them was also showing the well-known opera, but that's another topic for another post.  My niece is taking Music Appreciation at MC, and this opera was a requirement for her, and since I love the Opera, I was the lucky one to get to go with her.  It was a nice invitation and a nice event.  We both love all genres of music, might I add.
We both loved the screening of the opera, which was broadcast live from the one and only THE MET (NYC) via satellite to several theaters around the world (made possible thanks to a generous grant from its founding sponsor, The Neubauer Family Foundation, with additional funding provided by the National Endowment for the Arts).
We both also discussed going to NYC to see an opera live at the awesome Metropolitan Theater (lovingly dubbed "The Met").  Anyway, getting back to Il Barbiere di Siviglia, it certainly did not disappoint.  We highly recommend it to anyone interested in the arts.  If you have the grand opportunity to see it (or any opera) in NYC, do it.  If you are like us, and do not have the luxury because of lack of time (etc.), then, please do yourself a favor and look up the schedule and see when an opera will be shown live at a theater near you via satellite as we did today.  It was breathtaking, marvelous, and beautiful.  Oh, no, The Barber of Seville did not disappoint.  It was everything I had always read and anticipated and more.  Boy meets girl, boy falls for girl, boy gets girl, but alas, maybe the union is not as solid...we have to now watch Le Nozze di Figaro (Mozart) to see how the marriage between the protagonist (Almaviva) and his lovely wife (Rosina) endures love's always changing ways.
My niece and I laughed because we each grew up watching Looney Tunes, and we both agreed that our first introduction to this awesome opera by Rossini was when Looney Tunes mimicked it with their version of The Rabbit of Seville (watch via MetaCafe) starring Bugs himself.  I guess today, we both grew up as did our taste in music.  LOL.  It's all good.  

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