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Friday, November 14, 2014

Dora's Corner: Mourning A Loved Ones Does Not Make One Weak, It Proves You Are Strong: Missing My Mom!

So, my wonderful, beautiful, caring mother passed away one week before Thanksgiving three years ago on the 17th day that November.  I should add that Thanksgiving was mom's favorite holiday.  "It brings us all together" is what she often would say.  I was with her when the doctors came in with the devastating news on Valentine's Day morning (2011) that changed our lives forever.  She was given a few months to live, and I grieved; I grieved from that point on until the day she went home to meet her Maker - still to this very day, I grieve.  I did not grieve in front of mom because she asked me to be strong on that bleak Valentine's Day, so for her, I made her and my sisters and other family members laugh as much as I could.  When I had a moment for myself, I grieved.  But that is something I do not wish to elaborate on for now.  I kept memoirs of the event, and maybe one day I will share it with everyone.  Not sure yet.
Anyway...a college friend asked me the other day about my mom, and I had wonderful things and stories to tell him about her.  I am a chatter so heed my warning when I say that if you get me started on a topic that I love, well, just be ready to spend a lot of time listening to me.  Just kidding; however, I do like to talk, and I love to meet people and "pick their brain."  
During the conversation he asked me something that kind of shocked me because the words he uttered in questioning me were unnatural (at least they were to me).  I soon realized as he tried nervously to explain that he did not have a good mother like I did; his mother was mean to him, and they were estranged.  
I humored him (and I felt badly for him) as I answered his question (paraphrasing):
"Do you miss your mom all the time, and do you think about her often since she passed away?"
My reply was simply this (verbatim):
"I think of Mama and miss her everyday that ends in a 'y' and every second that includes a number!"   
Corny response?  Heck, NO, not to me!

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