Editorials, etc...

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Dora's Corner: Paranoia Will Destroy 'Ya! Guns in the Home!

Hell, YES, I am political as well!
Anyway, during my usual viewing of tele in the morning before my day explodes into a hellish start, I like to watch certain shows (news, sports, political, financial - never reality shows, but that is a topic for another post).  I should explain first that, on Sundays, I like to start my day off being productive in order to enjoy the afternoons with family and friends doing whatever is on the agenda, but mostly I like to have my evenings free to catch episodes of two of my favorite tele shows Madam Secretary (CBS) and The Newsroom (HBO).  
Well, this a.m., I started off by watching an episode of Take Part which is an informative show that discusses politics, culture, finance, social issues, and other topics in a nutshell.  It was recently added to our cable subscription line-up, and I have personally enjoyed it.  One of the topics for this morning's episode (not sure if it was live or a rerun) touched upon the ever-weaving, ever-controversial, gun-control issues.  I am a proponent of allowing people to carry guns, but I am by no means a card-carrying member of the much- too-radical NRA.  I believe in the Second Amendment, but to a point.  The main exclusionary proposals/rules/regulations which place a limit or much-needed block on this beautifully-crafted amendment are too complex for me to list here.  
Getting back to the topic regarding today's episode, Study Finds More Americans Believe Having Guns at Home Keeps Them Safe, it was revealed that an alarming amount of Americans find that having guns in the home make them feel more safe and better protected.  63% of Americans subscribe to that theory...that's 6 out of 10 households!  WOW and SMH! 
I do not believe 100% in gun-toting, but I neither knock down others who exercise the right...as long as they do not stockpile, sell or buy illegally, break any laws with firearms, or break any laws in the 2nd amendment that state more clearly and effectively the provisions and exclusions.  
I might/might not have a weapon, but it might/might not be situated in a place that no one can get to it besides the people who live in our home.  Too many young ones (family/friends) come over at any given moment, so we must be careful in this household; I would hate the idea of one of our younger family members or friends to get injured because of an unproperly stored weapon in our home.
Before I end today's post, I must add that I subscribe to the other theory that most people who carry weapons are more likely to get killed by them.  Just sayin'!
Here are the figures that show who favors guns in the home (according to political affiliation) more details available via Gallup Poll:
Democrats remained steadily in favor at 41%
Republicans jumped 28 points to a not-so-surprising 81%
Independents increased 14 points to 64%

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