Editorials, etc...

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Dora's Corner: The Art of Matriculation! Then Comes Winter Interim!

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.” 
― Bernard M. Baruch
...Well, the end of the fall semester is just days from being over.  "Finals Week," is almost upon us; however, there are a couple of classes that allowed students to take their final this week.  So, that's two down for me, but two to go.  And, let's just say that the angst, that is accompanied by the torture of preparing for exams, is hitting everyone hard; for me, it is especially hard.  Not because of the studying required, because I can "hang" with the best of 'em, but because of those damned feelings I have been experiencing - the freaking melancholy.  I am taking an honor's online course this winter interim, and I am excited for that; however, it does not really replace the actual interaction one has with other students and instructors.  But, as I like to say often: "it is what it is!"
Regarding the winter course, it is going to be difficult because it is going to go fast, but I knew what I was getting into when I was asked to sign up for it...and when I agreed to it.  If I do well, then good for me (and kudos to the awesome prof who is teaching the course), but if I fall flat on my face, then no one is to be blamed but me and my stupidity and overreaching ways.  #ROTFLMAO
I will be writing a research paper for the interim course.  I love to write so it will be fun, but it will be equally challenging as well because I have to start the research first by assuming the role of an instructor, per se.  I have to come up with a survey, questionnaire, or form of communication with one student from each of the four courses I was enrolled in this fall (including my fall flex course).  I was fortunate to have gotten the full cooperation of four students who I think highly of...not only because they are serious and studious, but because they are well-rounded individuals who appear to have their act together (my English prof would end up with an ear worm (sort of)  if she read that idiom I just wrote...it's all good - it's just a blog, which is why I am also using contractions...my bad, dear prof.).
I must admit that the last student I needed from the computer-related night class that we took together, well, she was the most difficult to get to agree to this.  Not because she did not want to at first, but because she is quiet, perhaps reserved, and because she did not accept my previous invitations to partake in group activities away from class (mostly study group activities).  I love talking to people, and maybe the fact that I am too chatty made her leery of past invites.  Again - I must say: "it is what it is!"  The only thing that matters is that she is on board now, and she has especially complimented the awesome group of students who will be making the winter interim research paper easier for me to get through...knock wood.
Life is good, people are good...when you have the opportunity to have both, take it, and enjoy the hell out of it! ~ D.D. Carey

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