Editorials, etc...

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Dora's Corner: Plagiarism is Still Plagiarism Even If You Didn't Mean To...: Literary Thief!

“Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal.” 
― T.S. EliotThe Sacred Wood
(The above quote was Eliot's stint at humor, parody, and satire)
...Sadly, there remain too many people who think that they can copy another person's literary piece sans giving the originator(s) proper credit via a simple in-text citation and works cited bibliography of sorts.  A story, a quote, a song, a poem, an essay, an idea, etc...it's all still flagrant plagiarism when you deny the appropriate and applicable credit be given to the original author of the work!  By a simple and oh-so arrogant misdeed of stealing their work followed by an incredulously stupid action of not citing the work, you are denying someone who did all the hard work from receiving the proper credit that he or she deserves.
A thief by any other name is still a thief, and he wreaks of literary theft!
More on plagiarism and why I chose it to be today's topic post when I return...

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