Editorials, etc...

Monday, December 8, 2014

Self-Indulgence: Simply...Thinking of You!

Thinking of you, thoughts of you so provocatively innocent
If only you knew my heart and who I could be
Maybe it would envelope your heart with the love I have
I would gladly give it and ask nothing in return
Only wanting to listen to you, to see you, to tell you
Words are blocked by a lost soul that just wanders
Not knowing your world seems blasphemous
Being allowed to linger would be best, but doubtful
For the moment I remain enraptured by thoughts of you
Maybe one day my dreams might awaken a certain truth
The truth is what I have always feared, for you are so far away
Must it remain that way, such trepidation to never know
You are often so close, but my heart deems you linger too far away
The unknown is what truly terrifies the essence of me
That you see me and find emptiness as your heart seeks another
I remain your secret aficionado and protector of innocence
One day perhaps clouds will guide your way to forever see my heart
Time always the enemy...I remain silent and still...still thinking of you

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