Editorials, etc...

Monday, January 26, 2015

Dora's Corner: Social Science: Getting to Know Others Gave Me the Awesome Opportunity to Know Myself.

...So, not long ago I was approached by a professor who wanted to conduct an online winter interim course.  It involved one of the science disciplines: social science.  I was uncertain if I could take part, but only because of my workload.  I had the interest, but the availability is what I questioned.  Long story short, I made time to partake in the first-ever online course.  It was a course that was in collaboration with Stanford University, and in part, with a department within the Microsoft Corporation.  Anyone who participated in the course was offered the chance to travel to Stanford at his or her leisure, plus, he or she was also offered the opportunity to apply for a prestigious internship with MS as part of the package.  The requirement for taking the course and being able to take advantage of the perks was that the person(s) had to maintain an A+ (4.0) in the course.  Not only did the students have to maintain good grades through-out the three-week course, but the students had to find other students from the respective college/university to help take surveys and fill out reports.  The students who were chosen also had to be in good standing with good grades. 
      I was extremely picky in who I asked to help me out, and hindsight being 20/20, I would make the same choices - again and again.  I had three of the best students (a.k.a. "student -helpers") assisting me.  Each time I had a survey and/or a research form for each person to fill out for me, all three of my "student-helpers" came through for me.  Not only did their timeliness to return the data back to me help me with my essays and reports, but the [thorough] manner in which each "student-helper" filled out his or her data, well, it greatly contributed towards me always having an abundant amount of good, vital information from which to pick.  Through hard work and the help of three awesome "student-helpers," I not only received the good marks needed to pass the course, but I am also eligible to visit Stanford U sometime in the summer [2015], and if I choose to do so, I am also able to apply for an internship with Microsoft.  
     The kicker, if you will, pertains to the internship with MS.  Applying for such a position is something I would have aspired to obtain not too long ago; however, lately I have been reconsidering my career path.  What does that mean?  Well, my goal to get my B.A.T. in computer programming, computer networking, computer gaming, or to become a network administrator or a database administrator...all of those comp-sci careers have been put to a halt.  Being in college again has opened up other doors for me, and I am once again considering a career in the humanities.  Who knows, maybe my long-ago dream of becoming an attorney is also not off the old proverbial table.  Many years ago, I began a trek towards becoming a corporate attorney and I minored in finance, but making money and being wealthy is no longer what I wish to do these days.  Tangible wealth does not beget happiness, it merely dawns a path of regret that many do not see until it is too late.  [Tangent]...Anyway...Perhaps the career in the computer science field is also going to elude me, but by my own accord.
   These days I find myself being drawn towards helping other people, so that in turn, they may help themselves.  The life of an altruist is only enhanced by the good he or she does for other people, and the only thing that can impede an altruist's will is the person who stares back at him or her in the mirror.  Yep, these days I want to look at myself in the mirror and know that the person staring back at me is helping other people and no longer places monetary value on life's achievements.  Lately, my mantra has taken a significant turn.  My new-found belief is that success is being happy with oneself and helping other people.
   AnYwAy...there are three special and important [in his or her own way] people that I would like to thank for all the hard work that he or she put forward while helping me get through the winter interim course.  Thank-you a million times over to:  Wendy, Gerardo, and Ana.  Without your indulgence and cooperation, I would have had a truly difficult time getting through the course - much less having passed it with high marks.  You guys rock.  You are solid individuals, and I expect good things from each and every single one of you.  I know I have said that over a thousand times [exaggerating], but I honestly do mean everything I ever told each of you in person or wrote to each of you in an email, text, and such.  Keep up the good work, guys, and maybe one day I will be able to repay the favor.  I am always here and around.  I never forget a favor, and I never turn my back on a friend.  Maybe the opportunities I was afforded through partaking in the online winter interim course will pan out for me...  Wherever I go and whatever I do, I will always think of you three. 
~ When good fortune is bestowed upon your doorstep, embrace it, love it, enjoy it, but always pay it forward.
                                                                                                                        ~ Dora Dominguez Carey

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