Editorials, etc...

Sunday, August 16, 2015

I'm Back: College Starts in the Fall...It Actually Didn't Stop for ME!

Yes, a mere eight days away from starting another college semester.  As many may have noticed in the title of this post, my college (ahhemmm) career did not stop since last spring semester.  The title might also assume I was perhaps not happy with the decision...not true.  I decided to go keep attending college straight through the summer.  Summer I and summer II were arduous and rigorous, but it was also calm and more attention-based.  It was eleven weeks of reading, writing, and studying, but it was worth it and fun.  I highly recommend it to anyone pondering with the notion of attending college in the summer.  Be prepared for college.  Do not expect it to be an actual continuation of high school.  You are not going through the thirteenth and the fourteenth grades.  If you keep with the mindset that college is like high school, you are going to go nowhere and fast.  The images you may have once had of 'crash and burn' are going to be an actuality instead of a feared dream.  In college, no one is going to remind you that assignments are due.  In college, no one is going to remind you when tests are to be taken.  In college, no one is going to give you a progress report or a chance to improve your grade; that is what a withdrawal is for --you drop before you fail.
Don't be a schmuck in college.

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