Editorials, etc...

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Death of a Legend: Riding the Stardust Trails: Rest in Peace, David Bowie!

Mere words pale in comparison to explain what this greatly talented rock musician meant to the world and especially to me. Perhaps a bunch of words are not needed today; for certain no color is needed (thus the reason for the B & W Ansel Adams-like pictures). Maybe just a few words will suffice in order to help the healing process begin. Maybe a line or two to express what this rock legend did for the world of music; for the world of ME! Just a few clumsy words and a vain attempt to pay tribute to a rock star who unknowingly made a positive impact on this ordinary person's life. I will deeply regret that we will never hear your songs of tomorrow; magical, powerful lyrics never to be known and heard, but I will forever cherish and embrace your songs of yesterday; always to be remembered as they play on in infinite iconic and musical glory. 

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