Editorials, etc...

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

PTK: Heather Dudley for Vice President of Five Star Project

Hello PTK!  My name is Heather Dudley, I am a full time student at Midland College and work in the Student Center on campus. I am married and have two sons. Despite starting college a bit later in my life, I have been able to identify with many others that must balance home, work, and school responsibilities. I take my academic studies seriously and help others as much as I can. As a result, I was selected to receive the “Who’s Who” this year for Midland College.  Furthermore, as a member of the Alpha Beta Phi chapter, I would work diligently to see our PTK chapter become more active here at Midland College. With some coordination and effort, I would be honored to co-labor with you to develop the Honors in Action program so that it too would be a blessing to our fellow students at Midland College. I was able to attend Nerd Nation this year in Maryland and I am so grateful for that opportunity. I learned a lot at Nerd Nation and would like to apply new ideas to our chapter. Seeing our chapter succeed and become a five-star chapter is possible with all of us working together. I am earnestly looking forward to new beginnings with the Alpha Beta Phi Chapter at Midland College.  I want to extend a heartfelt thanks to PTK and to all who would consider and support my candidacy for a Phi Theta Kappa officer.  Thank you and God Bless!

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