Editorials, etc...

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Self-Indulgence Corner: In Retrospect: Why I Am a Firm Believer in [Verbal and Material] Accolades.

Going back to a long ago epoch in my life, I can totally relate to the struggles students can be experiencing during high school. So many heart-breaking and needless struggles; too many to write about. Too many stories to account for. As for myself, I was always an A-student in school. But, my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer during my sophomore year. It was rather difficult to keep things normal around our home, but my mom did her best. She kept working to put food on the table since my dad could no longer lend a hand in such efforts. My dad endured months of chemotherapy. All the treatment was in vain; he passed away. My dad died on the very first day of my junior year in high school. I did not share his death with many friends, classmates, or teachers. Dad died on a Thursday, his funeral was that following Saturday, and my mom had me return to school on Monday. I did not study as hard as I used to once my dad died. My concerns were mostly about caring for my mom and myself. My mom lovingly convinced me to stay in school, which I did, but my grades suffered (I had gone to work the summer before dad died and have worked every single day since then). Anyway, I no longer cared about making straight 'A's. The teachers who knew about my dad's death reached out to me. The teachers who did not know simply checked it off to me being lazy and bored. Never mind the many years I had always maintained good grades. When I entered my senior year, I had changed my views; I began to study hard. I was in a few advanced classes. I earned good grades again, but due to my issues during my junior year, my grades kept me from being in NHS. When I graduated, I was in the top of my class, but I missed graduating with honors by .437 points. I will always remember that number. Some of my awesome teachers wanted to help me by getting my other teachers to give me a curve, but I refused. I accepted the grade, and the fact that I would not graduate with honors. My mom knew this, and she told me she was proud of me and that I would always be an honor student in her eyes. When I finally came back to college after two failed attempts, I worked as hard to earn good grades to prove to myself that I was better than the so-called legacy and mark that I had left in h.s. Graduating with all the honors I did at MC was for myself and for my late mom. She went home to meet her Maker almost five years ago. Before she died, I promised her I would return to college and get my degree. I had been extremely successful in the corporate world; mostly because of how I was raised to be a hard worker and to take care of my family (my career was the reason I dropped out of college twice before). I always had a need and a passion to care for my family -- mostly my mom. My greatest triumph in my life was the day I bought my mom her very own home (the same year I bought my second home)! The awards (work and school) I have earned throughout my lifetime have come at a cost, but they are mine, and I am so proud of them all. I would never deny anyone an award or the ability to proudly show it off. I did not allow myself to succumb to such self-pity when I was a teenager graduating from high school, so my stance remains the same as an older, more mature person: everyone should be allowed to shine during his/her most glorified moments in time because those moments are special milestones that may never come around again. I was fortunate in my lifetime to have been allowed to shine several times. I hope my parents are still proud of me.

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