Editorials, etc...

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Dora's Corner: Hicksville, U.S.A.: When Did That Happen!

Okay, here is my issue for the day...we were shopping at the local Academy (sporting good's store), and we were appalled at all the sad, awful music that was being played in the store.  We visited both our local store in Midland and the one in Odessa - the same bad music at each store (ugh).  'Not sure if the music being played is on a loop, all I know is that it is country (really whiney country with a severe twang), and it is awful.  Furthermore, and it saddens me to say, but the damned awful music is indicative of the (too many) hillbillies that have invaded west Texas.  Geez, as if there weren't enough hillbillies in west Texas before the oil boom hit.  The same oil boom that caused the massive influx of people from all-walks-of-life. The same oil boom that is raping our land, might I add. 
I cannot wait to move from this forsaken place.  The Permian Basin is the new Sodom and Gomorrah. 
Anyway...the same rif-raf that Midland was trying (in vain) to prevent from invading their precious, Christian-right area when the idea of allowing a casino to be constructed in neighboring Stanton, are the same rif-raf that the oil-boom brought.  Worse, the rif-raf that the casinos may or not have brought to west Texas would have been here for a few days of gambling then back to their respective homes would the visitors have gone.  However, because of the oil boom, the rif-raf are here to stay for an undetermined amount of time.  I guess the hillbilly music (and the HB peeps) will continue to plague our area ... at least we always have NYC as a second place to call home ... soon, I hope.

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