Editorials, etc...

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Self-Indulgence: Simply...Missing You!

Missing you, dearly missing you.
The time is drawing nearer and no more seeing you.
Oh, but we have only spoken a few times.
But that one special glance was all it took.
I know you know me, but do you know how I feel.
I doubt that you do, you hardly ever reply.
I’ve tried reaching out to you, but my pleas you ignore.
Am I just someone you see every day as you stride by.
Or am I someone you equally like but also cannot approach.
I long to be near you, to see you, to hear you.
I stand alone, silent, never talking, never seen, never close enough.
I don’t know what to do anymore, I am lost.
Maybe fate decreed that you not be a part of my world.
It makes me weak, breaks my heart, and makes me somber.
I will let you go, though sadly, you were never mine.
But I wish you forever love and always to be well.
My days without you won’t soon be easy to cope with – not at all.
For you are not in my life as I had hoped, not even for a stolen second.
One day maybe we will meet again – I do not know - I can hope.
Time cheats us...I continue missing you, dearly missing you.

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