Editorials, etc...

Monday, November 24, 2014

Dora's Corner: The Nightmare That Came True: The Two Wrong Shoes!

...You know the nightmare: you are in your underwear in front of a crowd of people...maybe at school, at work, or somewhere public; you are wearing the wrong pair of shoes, one is brown, one is black; you are at the wrong location for an important meeting or event; you arrive to an important event really late; and the nightmare scenarios go on and on and...  Why do you suppose we have these dreams.  I am by no way trying to get psychological or trying to interpret dreams.  I am basically asking a rhetorical question about nightmares that have plagued all of us at one time or another.  The  answers vary if you ask different people about nightmares.  Some say they are because a person is feeling unaccomplished, alone, scared, nervous, etc.  My guess is that we experience these nightmarish dreams because we are feeling insecure.  Let me elaborate with a hellish day I just experienced.
Last Friday, I woke up a little later than usual (my drive is long as I live across town from MC).  I almost put on two different shoes, and almost wore a shirt that needed pressing before cognizance set in.  I was tired, but ready for the weekly test in English that morning.  I got to campus with ten minutes to spare so I studied a little more.  This week we finished the definition rhetorical mode, and began on the cause and effect (causal mode/chain) mode.  At the onset of the test, I almost wrote about the wrong prompt, but I caught myself in time to correct my f--- up and ended up getting a 100.  
After English, I tended to some important matters before I ended up at the computer lab.  I like doing my assignments that are due on Monday mornings the Friday before so that I can focus on the other computer assignments during the weekend.  Well, this particular Friday I was feeling restless.  Maybe due to being tired, but I was missing someone.  Yes, missing someone.  A person I would like to get to know and talk to, but the person "throws me to the doggies" (lol).  It is more than that.  I just needed to be around other people.  I stayed on campus and went to the LRC (library), met with a professor, then ended up in the computer lab until I just could not focus so I left.  I had an essay to turn in for English so I thought I would finish it at home later.  I also needed to eat.  
I get home and eat; I watch some tele (Covert Affairs cause I LOVE me some Piper Perabo - ahh), too.  I almost fell asleep, but since I have never liked napping during the day, I got up to finish that essay.  I looked for my jumpdrive, but it is nowhere to be found.  It is not in the usual security of the small pocket in my jeans, it is not in my saddle-bag, it is not on the butcher-block, it is not on the floor anywhere, it is not in the car, it is not in the garage...then it hits me: "you left the damn drive in the g-damn computer lab!"  Panic sets in because the lab closes at 2pm on Fridays, and it was already 3:30.  I think about who I can call.  I have a friend who knows someone who works at the college, and I also have a dear friend who teaches English there, but then I decide that this situation calls for immediate and personal attention, if you will.  I tell  myself: "you need to get your ass in the car and drive there and make someone open the g-damn door!"  That is what I did, but I was nice about it.  I have learned that you do, in fact, catch more bees with honey.  The professor whose door I knocked on did not have a scan card to open the computer lab, but she suggested I call the campus police.  She had a lot of papers to grade, but she was gracious and understanding enough to get the police phone number for me.  The police dispatch employee was nice as was the officer who showed up and unlocked the lab for me to retrieve my jump drive.  The nice computer lab person, whom I have befriended, thankfully left the drive by the computer where we sign into in the lab so I grabbed it and kissed it. I would have kissed the officer, too, but he is so NOT my type.  LOL.  Aside from the important essay that was due later that night, I had so many important files on that drive.  I would have been in a deep pile of ---- had it not been in the lab!
I got over those feeling of being sad and somber (melancholy - there's that word again).  It is funny how an event can get you out of a slump and make you rethink how lucky you really are.  Anyway, I came home and finished the paper that had been eluding me for completion since it was assigned three days ago.  I worked on some other assignments, and I had to make beaucoup phone calls.  Each time I spoke to a person, if he or she mentioned that they had had a bad day, I brought up my day and the eventful scavenger hunt to retrieve the jump drive.

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