Editorials, etc...

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Self-Indulgence: Being Successfully Wise or Wisely Successful!

"Along with success comes a reputation for wisdom." ~ Euripides

It's just a simple quote to ponder today as we try to stay warm.  As soon as I came home from another eventful day at college, I read and wrote.  One of my favorite things to do is to get organized, so yeah, I am overkill in that department.  But it is okay (for me) because it keeps me busy, and it makes me better at my job and with my college work.  
The ability to be organized is one of the examples, quizzas, that Euripides was referring to in his aforementioned quote.  If so, hooray for me.  J.K. However, I still procrastinate - so no one come out with ribbons or prizes for me because I have my faults; many faults.  
As I touched upon regarding the weather, it has been a little chilly for the last two days, but not too bad.  I have pulled out my leather jacket and worn it only because the wind has been prickly and the wind chill has been contemptuously beating down on one's skin ; ominous weather to come, that is for certain.  
I believe that the weather (more like "whether") forecasters are touting the fact that another cold front is fast approaching our area, thus making it cold for the next few days.  To that comment and to that idea, I say: "bring it on, Windy and Gus!"  Windy for the harsh winds that blow from her belly, working ever so passionately and arduously to get all the attention that she can because her time for swagger is quick and abrupt.  I often tell my 20 year old niece that Windy is never invited to events, yet...there she is.  As for Gus, well, Windy is the nemesis to Gus.  Gus's soft winds are quiet and shallow and lesser traits of this mellow zephyr.  While the almighty Windy blows vast amounts of strong winds, Gus is timidly blowing soft spurts of nothingness.  
Oh, do not ask what that was about...I am entitled to moments of "WTF!"

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