Editorials, etc...

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Dora's Corner: Filing and Cabinets: No, It Is Not Administrative Professionals' Day! The State of Texas is Readying for 84th Legislative Regular Session 2015!

Okay, let's get this straight, I attended the politically-lead classroom meeting this afternoon for extra credit; not that I need it, but I do like seeing politicians in person to hear what they have to say.  The politician may not always be a member of the same political party with which I define myself and give my support and allegiance; however, I allow myself an open mind, and I listen to "the other guy." Often bored, but I listen.
Anyhow, the meeting was lead by the District 82 (Republican) HoR who represents Midland and surrounding areas.  Let's leave names out of it, if you will.  You may take whatever meaning you want from that last statement.  It is a play on words.  Think about it.  You can either think I was refraining from calling the HoR a bad name - or - that his name is not important enough for me to write down.  Think of it as we, John Lennon fans, feel about John's murderer; the murderer is not important enough to mention, and by not mentioning "his" name, Lennon fans refrain from lending the s.o.b. killer any credibility or notoriety; both things that the s.o.b. was seeking.  It is a credo started by John's widow, Yoko Ono, and famous Beatles band mate, Paul McCartney.  I kid the people...I would never call a politician an s.o.b. or an ass (unless he deserved it), but I would neither dare put the District 82 HoR in the same category as the one and only (legendary) John Lennon; "Imagine!"  I merely decided not to write the D-Rep's name down because his political views and platform differ greatly from mine.  Besides, I do not see "him" putting my name down on his blog.
Anyway...back from my tangent...

First Day of Filing Draws More Than 350 Bills:

This story captured my attention enough for me to post about it.  I only wish that I had not arrived a bit late to the meeting with the District 82 Rep, or I would have referred to it (the story about the 250 bills filed) because, man, did I have a lot of questions.  I hate arriving late to anything - it rattles me and mucks up my feung shui and my ability to function.  I was late because I had to tutor someone in the Learning Center (a.k.a. library), and before I knew it, the time for the meeting to start was five minutes past.  FYI - the library is my sanctuary, all my friends and family know where to find me if I am not in class or answering my cell (LOL).  (another tangent?!!)
I almost decided not to attend the politically-based meeting with the D-82 Rep, as I stated, I do not need extra credit (I have a 4.0 in my gov't class), but something was nagging me to go anyway.  I am glad I did.  I always look forward to seeing my government professor, he has so much to teach and excellent stories to share (especially outside the classroom).  It makes the professor happy to see some of his students at these events especially when he has announced them during class; his is big on civil duties and participation.  I also got to see my study-buddy there.  He is a nice guy.  He is from Mexico, and has a lot to teach as well.  Soon he will be able to vote, and I plan on bringing him over to the blue-side of politicking.  I wish I could have drawn other millennials to the Dem-party during this past Mid-term election.  The younger gens need to start taking government seriously and showing up to vote.  I was passionate about politics when I first started college years ago so I do not subscribe to the idea that young people (20-30) do not vote because: "they are young, they have no interest in politics at this age, and that young people are not affected by politics; therefore, they do not participate."  Bullshit is what I say to that crap.  Politics is important and every person matters and every vote does count.  Remember the "paradox of participation."
Click on the title above to see what kind of bills were filed for probable review by the legislature when they meet on January 13th to start the Regular Session.  Wow, 140 days of nonsensical jibber-jabber and probably getting no real work done - again.  LOL.

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