Editorials, etc...

Monday, November 10, 2014

Self-Indulgence: You Say You Dislike Ppl Sans Social Skills, But You Are One of Them: #SocialMediaFrenzy!

I get a kick (pardon the idiom) out of students who complain about social media (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc...) and texting.  Most students in one of my hybrid courses say that people just need to put down their cell phones and start communicating (face-to-face) with other people around them.  That is a huge ROTFLMAO - IMO and a big ole joke.   The same students add how they stay clear of social media sites, and then they go on to explain why they "supposedly" refrain from social media.  However, I doubt that staying clear of social media is truly their stance.  In theory, the students might think that they are steering clear of social media and an over-abundance of texting; yep, this could be how the students view themselves as they stand on an imaginary soap box, but they are WRONG!
Either the students are posting their views while they are in a drunken stupor, and they cannot be held liable for the untruths that they spew (or write down) - or they are plain lying.  I vote for the latter reason; liars, they be!
Bottom line is that I do not see valid proof of what they are "pontificating" against because when I arrive to one of my classes (esp the one that contains the majority of the students who cut-down social media and such), well, their actions speak louder than words.  The actions, BTW, is that every single solitary student is texting, gaming, surfing the WWW, or doing anything minus communicating via that one-on-one that they chided us about via a college-required blog post.  
I would gladly talk to anyone, but I am not going to always make the first move.  I am a believer in equal opportunity, so yeah, I have done my share and reached out to the students...my experiment going forward (until the semester ends) is to see how many of these students will open up any verbal dialog with me.  It will be interesting.
Anyway...shake it off, guys!  Stop trying to be someone you are not, and just admit that you are social media whores and texting fanatics. 
Instead, the thing that you could improve upon, in the meantime, is your awful spelling and grammar, your awful misuse of words, and your appalling sentence structure, and on, and on, and on...Let go of whatever disdain you might have for those who are comfortable and secure with themselves to freely admit that they (we) love social media and such, and instead focus on improving on your writing skills.  Maybe your pathetic writing skills is really what keeps you off social media sites.  Pobresitos!
This gif is for you, "pontificators and liars"

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