Editorials, etc...

Monday, December 14, 2015

Self-Indulgence Post: Yo, What's the "Diffidence," Y'all? Let Her be Shy!

She used to not be able to talk to me. Thank the karma g-ds she has made strides. Not the way I would like, but she is making and taking baby steps. I no longer feel like I must conquer the mountain that seems to throw everyone off during attempts to undergo the trek (of such a climb). 
 I am not giving up by any means. She is worth the extra bit of fight. 
   She is not always the friendliest, but when we speak, she is affable. 
     She is not always approachable, but when we speak, she is formidable (in a good way). 
       She has the best smile I have ever seen. 
         Her smile alone makes my day. 
           She's just a good person. 
             I am thankful to have her in my life. 
               I still have much work to do.
                 So, I'll be in touch....
                   BTW, I kind of like her being shy. 
                      It's the diffidence that makes her so freaking attractive.

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