Editorials, etc...

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Self-Indulgence Post: Catcher in the Rye: A Comparative.

Okay, so humor me. Many people believe Holden Caulfield's character is actually in a mental ward recuperating from a mental breakdown. Personally, I believe he was in a sanatorium recuperating from pneumonia-like symptoms. Many people believe he was just a lazy and seriously disturbed (and disinterested) person. I believe he was just a bored and severely jaded (and disheartened) young man. 
Is there a diff? Hell, yes!
I can totally relate to Holden's character. 
Often, I have found myself so dissatisfied with the human race that it made me want to move to some faraway place where isolation would be the lone comfort I would need. I have especially been discontented by what a bunch of assholes and morons people can be. 
Often, that feeling has made me want to disconnect myself from the human race -- give or take a few family members and friends who more often provide serenity and lucidity to my life.
Does that make me crazy? Hell, no! 
It does make me aware of my surroundings. Maybe it does make me jaded every once in a while, but it doesn't make me crazy -- or lazy.
I see the world for what it is. 
I often tear myself away from it: I read and write. 
I also remember to communicate with a handful of people (and media outlets) to keep me informed and abreast of current events. 
But mostly, I sit back and look at the world going by, and I, too, bask in the glory and in the same judgmental ways of one Holden Caulfield: 
                                                                      . . . "most people are PHONIES!"

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