ONION TACOS: 12/25/22 - 1/1/23
This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template: Dora's Diary 1; by Dora Dominguez Carey 2014: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;



Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Book of D: Houston, We Have a Problem

 Well, the time to be in H-Town has arrived. Our Ŧexas Ŧech Red Raiders earned a Bowl birth, so off we went earlier today for the 2022 Tax Act Texas Bowl. It will take place tomorrow (Weds) night, 12/28 at 8 pm versus Ole Miss. It is so oddly strange being in Houston. I was unable to explain it to my spouse, but something just felt off about being in this town. It felt both familiar and unknown, simultaneously. Like I was invading someone's space. Ughhh! Anyway, I am so excited that our Red Raiders won enough games (6) to get a Bowl invite. I was hoping we would get the Alamo Bowl, but that went to the nemesis team to the south. We will be meeting several friends to tailgate first. Our first night in Houston was spent with just my spouse and I going to dinner - nothing fancy as neither of us were really hungry. We drove around the Houston Texans NRG Stadium after we ate. We have been to Minute Maid Park several times; twice to a concert, one being the Madonna concert. But, this venture to NRG Stadium will be our first. Even that fact lends to my anxiety. I'll be honest, it feels weird knowing that my ex lives in the area of Houston. I miss her. I wish our friendship had outlived our relationship, but for whatever reasons, it did not sustain the ups and downs of life. I wish I knew why my ex decided to cut me out of her life. Not that I would try to bullshit myself out of anything negative that I may have done; not like I probably would have done in the past. I just want to know why I cut off like that after we last spoke following my own mother's death. When my ex's respective parents died, her dad in 2021 and her mom in 2022, I was unable to pay my respects properly. It is what it is. I wish I did not battle with anxiety and depression (with a hint of melancholia and a chance of meatballs, lol) because that only adds to me missing people in such a manner that it effects my mental health. I miss people way more than they seem to miss me. I guess I'm just stupid that way. I guess my inability to let go of things is my Achilles heel. All I know is that I am literally just a few miles from my ex, and as much as I would love to talk to her in person (phone would work just as well), I know she would more than likely not respond well, and I do not want to upset her. I wish good things for her. The last thing I want to do is to upset her - especially after the fact that she lost her parents, during back-to-back years. I am certain she is in a lot of pain because of that. So, I will eat my feelings. 

My cell 432-235-3841 . . . I'm leaving options open in case she's reading this.