ONION TACOS: Dora's Corner: Remembering!
This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template: Dora's Diary 1; by Dora Dominguez Carey 2014: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;



Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Dora's Corner: Remembering!

...After reviewing, deciphering  and discarding paperwork left from our late mom's estate, it hit hard how much we still miss her.  We never stopped missing her.  For me --until the day I myself pass away, I will miss her.  We all loved mom and always will --that is for certain.  We are all so glad that she is at rest with our dad whom himself passed away many years ago. However, selfish as humans often can be...we would instead prefer to have mom here with us.  We would also prefer to have dad and mom with us; both happy and healthy!
The items that my sister and I found just drove home the point that my mom and dad indeed had a wonderful marriage. The items we discovered reminded us of how much mom loved our father. For a millisecond I thought to myself: 'I want a love like that!'...stupid me --after a quick reverie of a love scenario, I realized that I DO have a love like that.
Thanks to my beautiful, awesome, compassionate, upstanding partner of (almost) 16 years: I DO have a love like that.  My Sara is wonderful and the thing I love best about her is that she stands up for herself and for her loved ones-always mindful but opinionated!  Once in her good graces, you have a great friend for life. However, as a protector, if you cross her or her loved ones, she will call you on it. She is extremely open-minded and accepting (inclusive), but she speaks her mind. I have rather enjoyed that about her.
As most who know me, I need no one to defend me because I have no qualms about speaking my own mind and defending myself (and my loved ones, too)! But together my Sara and I go together like fine wine and fine cheese. LOL! Oh, how I love this person. I adore her with every being of my heart. All who know us know this love and respect we have for one another.  Sara got along with my family from 'day one'! Something I value almost more than life itself. Sara always encouraged me to do things with and for my family. My late mom loved Sara like a daughter. Matter-of-fact --mom usually introduced Sara as a daughter.
*** Everything I have accomplished in life has been in part because of Sara's belief in me and of her encouragement.***
When the days became cold and bleak that November day when we lost mom, Sara was there for us!  Especially there for me when I felt lost and alone.  My core temp always so cold.  Somehow she rescued me from an abyss.  She enveloped me in her love and was patient.  She just listened when I needed to talk...she listened when I just needed to cry.  I still have bouts like that, but not as frequent and not so massive.  Sara just waited and loaned me her own warmth.  Like a blanket you cannot see...she kept me warm.  She was my solace when my lucidity eluded me.  For Sara-- yes, I owe her my life!  She saved a lost soul many a time indeed!

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