ONION TACOS: Dora's Corner: Just Pondering: Why People Change and Why They Do The Hurtful Things They Do (1of2)?!!
This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template: Dora's Diary 1; by Dora Dominguez Carey 2014: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;



Friday, May 16, 2014

Dora's Corner: Just Pondering: Why People Change and Why They Do The Hurtful Things They Do (1of2)?!!

     Here I go once again pondering "why?"  So many questions, and still not enough answers.  Even my curiosity for asking so many questions is a question, in itself.  Why do I have to know so much about things that should clearly no longer matter to me. 
     So...I ponder with why people change.  I know we all have to change.  I am not so naïve to think that change is not part of the realm in which we all live, and to which we eventually succumb.  I adhere to such an unwritten rule.  I realize that we, as humans, need change.  I especially agree with what the character, in one of my all-time favorite sci-fi movies, DUNE (1984), said about change;
Duke Leto Atreides: "I'll miss the sea, but a person needs new experiences. They jar something deep inside, allowing him to grow. Without change something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken."
     I love that part/quote in the movie because it is so true.  I am not against the reason why people change as much as I loathe how they change.  Most often, as it has been my personal experience, some people do not change for the better.
     Many previous friends of mine have undergone such negative change.  That is okay, though.  If that is what they need to get through life, then it has to be okay; okay for them.  However, for me, if I have changed for the worse, then I hope someone lets me know.  If my change has been for the best, then good.  I just never want to regret that my change was bad.
     As I did change through the years, I hope that I never hurt or created strife for anyone.  Long ago, I admit that I was a hot-headed, immature person; seeking retribution was too quick and easy for me.  I have not been that revenge-seeking person in a long time.  I wish certain, previous friends knew me now.  I regret that they may only remember that odd, unhappy, and vengeful person.  I outgrew that person.  I reached a point in life when it was no longer okay for me to be spiteful and negative--so I changed.  With that change came much reward.  But such change also came much too late as I also lost a lot.  I lost friendships I once cherished.  If I could add change to my changes, I would want my friends back so that they could know me now.  I would want to wipe out past, negative memories they may have had of me.
Just one of my takes for the day (another one follows)...

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