ONION TACOS: College Update: The Fall Semester is Finished...It Went by Much Too Quickly!
This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template: Dora's Diary 1; by Dora Dominguez Carey 2014: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;



Saturday, December 12, 2015

College Update: The Fall Semester is Finished...It Went by Much Too Quickly!

The last time I wrote about college, we were a mere eight weeks from beginning the fall semester. Now, we are only two days from the last day of class (a.k.a. the last day of "finals"), and I ponder with the question: where in the world did the time go?
Perhaps I am just being melancholy or melodramatic. But, in all seriousness, many of the people I spoke to this semester were pondering with the same question. So, I ask one more time, where in the world did the time go?
We have five weeks off before the start of the spring semester (new year 2016), and it saddens me to know that I have to wait such a long time to see some of my closest classmates; the ones I am most fond of and managed to form a friendship with. I might add that I will also miss the former professors I managed to forge a friendship with as well. The ones who guided me through some of the toughest times -- of my college career --  since my return to college for the third time.
So, now we wait . . . .
However, I must add that I grow more sad thinking that I will be entering my final months at Midland College this coming spring semester. I hope the time does not go by as quickly as it did this fall, but if it does, I will make certain to remind myself [daily] to cherish events and people that much more.

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