This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template: Dora's Diary 1; by Dora Dominguez Carey 2014: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;



Wednesday, March 19, 2014


...Sixteen years since the day we (Sara and I) got together and 18 since we first met and became best friends.  We can talk about anything.  We take many trips and seldom listen to music or anything offered up by satellite radio.  Even when we are together for a lengthy time, we just talk and the times just passes.  Many others like going on trips with us because they enjoy our way of communicating; we make others laugh.  We help others have a good time.  We are so easy-going.  Sara taught me that (to be easy going).  We make one another laugh (I taught her to be extra funny).  We give each other room when needed.  Always respectful of each other and of our separate views and ideas; i.e. Sara being an Atheist and me being in the middle of a religious crisis.  Scientology just did not do it for me.  Catholicism having become much too dogmatic and less pragmatic for me, too.  Hardly anything escapes our conversation.  We have endured good times and bad times as everyone does.  That is just a part of life.  We have survived so much and it has made us stronger, and like Bill said, it brought us closer than we ever imagined.  The love just grows.
We overcame so many hard times (some much too heart-wrenching to share here) but other hard times like when Sara was in grad school --we had to cut back on things here and there.  But on that glorious day of her graduation ceremony with all of our family and friends in attendance, she proudly walked that awesome stage and received her master's degree (History/English).  She walked high and proud donning the beautiful academic regalia as she was hooded as well.  Soon it will be my chance to do the same.  But for now, getting into a profession (programming, I.T., System's Administration) that I really love and am so passionate about was what Sara gifted me by her patience and encouragement all these past few years.  I also appreciate her often 'kick in the arse' of me!  She brings me back to reality. 
We bring out the best in each other.  I certainly have strived to be a better person because of her.  I hope she says the same about me when I am not around.  J.K. --many have told me that she adores me.  We are so lucky but remain humble.  Knock wood for many more happy and healthy years...

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