ONION TACOS: Dora's Corner: Picking A Fine Wine: First, What Is The Occasion?
This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template: Dora's Diary 1; by Dora Dominguez Carey 2014: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;



Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Dora's Corner: Picking A Fine Wine: First, What Is The Occasion?

While there are a lot of places on the Internet where you can locate data entailing the Do's and Don'ts of picking an appropriate wine, it is simple...just pick what you mostly like.
Unless you are going to a dinner party and you want to take a bottle of wine for the host(s) and it is vital for you to make a good impression...don't sweat the small stuff.  Getting perturbed and antsy about picking such a beverage should not drive-up your blood pressure.  Honestly, in all my days as an executive manager, dining with a boss, having a nice meal with friends, celebrating a holiday with loved ones, hosting dinner...my levels of fretting over such things has come to a draw.  A draw where I do not dwell as much on such things.  The most important thing when selecting a wine is to remember that you are first and foremost there to celebrate and/or to pass time with people whom you hopefully like.  The time spent together with family or friends/colleagues should trump the time spent picking a wine.  Fun and relaxation should be the final point of destination, if you will.
However, if you remain as obstinate and adamant about picking the perfect wine (like I end up doing for certain important events I must admit --so maybe disregard my points above about trying to quell your wine-picking-nerves) just do your research!  Read, drink and savor.  Get drunk doing so --have fun.  I love red wines, mostly Merlots, Syrahs, Pinot Noirs, Zinfandels...but Merlot is really my true love.  My partner on the other hand prefers sweet wines.  For her a nice bottle of Riesling or a  Pinot Grigio will not only suffice, but it will win you many verbal accolades, and figuratively-speaking, it will garner you many brownie-points, too.
So many, too many categories of wines to decide from is what plagues our inner-child and the fears we have always had when having to make such decisions.  The list is vast and often too complex: Red, white, blush, in-betweens, table, house (might be the same), party, etc...  Oy vey + Mon Dieu!  In my many travels aside from the frequent parties and such when I had to take a wine or times I hosted such parties and had to decide which wine I would serve for which course (trust me when I say that I am severely anal perhaps due to my OCD), I always turned to one source:  French Scout (website).  French Scout is an awesome Internet venue that gives details of all kinds relating to wines.  Details on red wines and white wines is just fascinating.  This website is the one which first guided me long ago and gifted me my tutelage of Wine 101. 
But, there is always my most favorite website, the one and only premiere wine data: Primer Magazine  PM gives so many wonderful details that once you read it you are ready to tour the fine vineyards and wineries in the Napa Valley area.  I insist and really recommend a subscription to this magazine.  If you are going to have one magazine in your home, I would seriously pick this one.  Yep, visiting these beautiful rolling California hills of the grape G-ds will no longer intimidate you.  Just make sure you not only read anything and everything you can, but maybe buy some bottles of what you might be sampling.  There are a lot of good vineyards/wineries here in Texas.  Try visiting those, but still do the homework because as certain as tax-day arrives, there are sure to be plenty of wine-snobs in these lesser-known, less-popular wineries.  Everyone is a damn critic.
I have been an avid collector of wine for many years now.  I do not have access to a wine cellar or I might have a larger collection.  For now my little corner in our home will suffice.  Soon we will be adding a refrigerated wine cooler.  Hey, give me time and a humidor will accompany it as well a nice array of hookahs.  Life is about trying new things and enjoying what most brings a smile to our faces and creates a nice tingling sensation in our hearts. 

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