ONION TACOS: Self-Indulgence: The Commandments Do Not Have Amendments...Yet!
This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template: Dora's Diary 1; by Dora Dominguez Carey 2014: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;



Thursday, September 18, 2014

Self-Indulgence: The Commandments Do Not Have Amendments...Yet!

This morning our government class has its first major test of the semester.  It was actually a unit test which covered several chapters.  I studied my brains out for this test, and I believe I did okay.  It was four pages in length, and it took me about 15 minutes or so to complete it.  The test covered a lot of topics such as how the Texas Government functions and such, but the part of the unit which captured my attention the most was the amendments section. 
Our Texas Constitution has a lot of amendments in it.  It contains more amendments that the United States Constitution does.  It really fascinates me how an amendment can be proposed so quickly; however, thanks to the "checks and balances," an amendment does not get ratified so quickly.  In fact, only Texas voters can actually approve an amendment once it makes it way through the legislature. 
Anyway...I met Sara for lunch this afternoon, and we exchanged details about the highlights of our respective mornings.  Her day had so far been fairly monotonous despite where she works (she works for the Texas DPS as a Field Compliance Auditor and Classroom Instructor).  My day had been a little more eventful especially due to the government test.  I worried way too much about the test, but this a.m. as I began filling out the answers, I could not believe how easy it was.  Actually, it was not really easy.  I was able to complete it rather quickly because I prepared for it.  I took advantage of every available moment I had to prep for it.  Sara also quizzed me on it several times, and at times, she reworded things.  I am grateful to her for rewording certain phrases and facts because the questions on the test were not worded the same as in our textbooks nor the same during our lectures. 
Anyway, back from my tangent...Sara and I spoke about our state government, state officials, amendments, Texas history, and such.  BTW, Sara is a Historian; she has a Masters in Texas History so she lights up anytime she has the chance to talk about history.  At one point during our discussion (in between eating the awesome Mexican food), we both agreed that people love to make changes to rules and laws in an attempt to try to benefit their own situation and/or cause.  I added that in Texas, this is especially noticeable due to the 474 amendments to the constitution.  Sara chuckled knowing all too well how bureaucracy within the state government works (does not work sometimes).  I also stated that it would not surprise me at all, if one day, someone tried to amend the Ten Commandments.  Yes, we both got a big laugh out of that -- mainly because it is closer to the truth than most would want to admit.

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