ONION TACOS: 04/01/2017 - 05/01/2017
This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template: Dora's Diary 1; by Dora Dominguez Carey 2014: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;



Sunday, April 30, 2017

Undoing Racism: They Said We Should Pull Ourselves Up By Our Bootstraps!

They said we should pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, but they took our straps.
Then, we figured out how to cope without the straps, so they stole our boots.

Quote by a participant, Adrian W., at the 'Undoing Racism Workshop' 
April 18-20, 2017, Lubbock, Texas


Saturday, April 29, 2017

When Self-Absorbed, Narcississtic People Show Their True Colors!

Picking an Organization Over a Friendship
       That’s just senseless. Picking an organization over a lengthy friendship might seem the right thing to do, but you really need to weigh the pros and cons; think of the overall consequences.
         The organization just gave you an award—that maybe, just maybe you deserved—but not more than I deserved—that will NOT carry over with you to the next institution of higher learning. The organization just gave you an all-expenses paid trip to a historic part of the country—that maybe, just maybe you deserved—but not more than I deserved—that will also NOT carry over with you to the next institution of higher learning.
          You will soon realize that when you move on to the next level of higher learning, the new institution and the people will NOT care about what you did or the awards you received at the previous institution. In essence, you will be starting all over again. You will have to meet new people, make new connections and friends, get familiar with a different administration and faculty, get used to different rules and regulations, etc. You will once again be the “small fish in the big pond!"
          The organization that catered to your every whim because it was able to win over your loyalty, discretion, and traitorous ways will not be with you anymore at the new institution. The organization will soon, also, deem you unworthy and cumbersome. The organization will not need you to keep its dirty little secrets anymore. It will not need you to pick their side over the “right” side any longer. The price they paid to “buy” you over will soon be too costly, so the organization will drop you.
          Good luck trying to make new friends at the new institution when your ill-reputation, from your prior place of learning, carries over with you.

Friday, April 28, 2017

I'm Back: Why They Do the Things They Do.

It suddenly dawned on me, they were not really my friends. Actually, they have become strangers. Not because they are not the same people I thought they were but because they turned out to be the kind of people I have never wanted to be a part of my life. If for whatever purpose it serves for them to be so mean and petty, let them simmer alone in their own vapid squalor.

Saturday, April 22, 2017


I met you on a Monday, we lost you on a Monday.
How uncanny is that (rhet).
For that reason, Mondays are a paradox for me.
Much too obscure to even try to decipher or make sense.
Simply: it is what it is.

Happy Milestone Birthday in Heaven today, WenTen.

You will forever be young, vibrant, intelligent, witty, aloof (my fav), and loving.
Too many other adjectives for me to list; there are a myriad of them. 
      😢 😢 😢 In a nutshell, I miss you something awful! 😢 😢 😢

Saturday, April 1, 2017

What's the Difference!


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