ONION TACOS: 11/9/14 - 11/16/14
This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template: Dora's Diary 1; by Dora Dominguez Carey 2014: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;



Saturday, November 15, 2014

Self-Indulgence: Days of Wine and Roses: A REGEDIT FIX!

Days of Wine and Roses
One of the things that I love to do, when I have the time, is to watch old movies on TCM.  It is a reward to myself especially after a tiring and trying day/week; a moment of unadulterated, self-indulgence, if you will.
This a.m. I was up early as usual, but I had to perform some dire updates/maintenance on my HP desktop.  During my early morning maintenance ala fix-the-damn-system, I made myself take a deep breath, turn on the tele, and watch an old movie starring Jack Lemmon and Lee Remick.  The movie was Days of Wine and Roses,” and it was also the muse for today’s title post.  I had to do something to get myself away from the computer so that I could focus on the issue then develop a proper fix later.  Plus, I had to forget the awful experience I had last night with the MS technician who tried (in vain) to help me restore my MS Office 365.  The tech was friendly, but not very knowledgeable, and needless to say…she did not help with my 365 issue.  So, I had to plan to wake up early this day in order to fix the issue on my own.  I had to run my comp in safe mode, create a system restore point then run it, manually uninstall/install (no RevoUninstallar) MS 365, then  I had to use the property data files of some software programs that I installed as a college course-related beta-project, to fully uninstall those cumbersome and (negatively) infectious software programs and apps.  Yeah, I used their own property data to get them the f--- out of my registry and system.  THEN… I had to manually fix the regedit.exe (registry) in order to properly reset and assign default associations to certain programs (i.e. MS Word.doc).  It was a handful to jot down, can you imagine actually having to perform each and every single action. 
The movie I mentioned just had me shaking my head for most of the duration, and I kept uttering the word “disgusting” to myself – sometimes out loud.   The synopsis of the legendary movie with the legendary troupers: a young couple happen to meet by chance (isn’t that how all romantic movies begin? LOL!); they have a misunderstanding; they fall deeply, madly in love (is there any other kind of love in CINE?); they get married (“boy gets girl” and vice versa – thank-you!); they, of course, have a baby; they develop marital issues (they should have) that stem from the booze that they both equally love; they separate (the separation is not shown, but rather is implied by time-elapsing sequences); then as one tries to get sober, the other does not even want to try; lastly, the movie ends with you kind of pitying one person in the failed relationship but feeling disgusted with the other; for certain, one feels badly for the child.  Don’t get me wrong, through-out the entire movie there is equal disgust for the couple, but at the end of the movie, you can at least forgive the one who is trying to change for the sake of the child among other obvious reasons.  It was a good movie - as always, thanks TCM - for the wonderful movies of days long past.  In conclusion, the movie serves as a reminder of how good things still are no matter how bleak they may appear on any given day or moment.  At the end of the day, at least life is not as mucked up as the lives of the two nutcases in the movie. 
To paraphrase the words of one Rain Man…”it was definitely, definitely” 3 out of 5 stars.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Dora's Corner: Mourning A Loved Ones Does Not Make One Weak, It Proves You Are Strong: Missing My Mom!

So, my wonderful, beautiful, caring mother passed away one week before Thanksgiving three years ago on the 17th day that November.  I should add that Thanksgiving was mom's favorite holiday.  "It brings us all together" is what she often would say.  I was with her when the doctors came in with the devastating news on Valentine's Day morning (2011) that changed our lives forever.  She was given a few months to live, and I grieved; I grieved from that point on until the day she went home to meet her Maker - still to this very day, I grieve.  I did not grieve in front of mom because she asked me to be strong on that bleak Valentine's Day, so for her, I made her and my sisters and other family members laugh as much as I could.  When I had a moment for myself, I grieved.  But that is something I do not wish to elaborate on for now.  I kept memoirs of the event, and maybe one day I will share it with everyone.  Not sure yet.
Anyway...a college friend asked me the other day about my mom, and I had wonderful things and stories to tell him about her.  I am a chatter so heed my warning when I say that if you get me started on a topic that I love, well, just be ready to spend a lot of time listening to me.  Just kidding; however, I do like to talk, and I love to meet people and "pick their brain."  
During the conversation he asked me something that kind of shocked me because the words he uttered in questioning me were unnatural (at least they were to me).  I soon realized as he tried nervously to explain that he did not have a good mother like I did; his mother was mean to him, and they were estranged.  
I humored him (and I felt badly for him) as I answered his question (paraphrasing):
"Do you miss your mom all the time, and do you think about her often since she passed away?"
My reply was simply this (verbatim):
"I think of Mama and miss her everyday that ends in a 'y' and every second that includes a number!"   
Corny response?  Heck, NO, not to me!


...Thanksgiving this year at Betty's home at 2 pm.  
Please know that you are all welcome!
Help spread the word to everyone else in our family.  
If you would, please let Betty and me know what you can bring.  
I am cooking a couple of turkeys, my sis Aurora is making the stuffing, 
... that is all I know right now.  
If you want, call Betty and check with her, 
but still let me know so that I can keep updating the info  
on our Dominguez Family Blog and via Facebook for those on that social media site.  
Love to all and 'cannot wait to see each and everyone of you.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Dora's Corner: Butterflies Waiting to be Set Free: If You Like Someone...Tell Them NOW!

"Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye."

One of my college classmates was telling me of a recent event that has created quiet a quandary in her life of late.  She is seriously attracted to one of her other classmates.  The problem right away is the fact that they are of the same-gender; a fact that I see no problem with because as I told her: "love is love!"  I must admit that I rather enjoyed my conversation with her.  I loaned my advice only upon request.  I told her that the worst thing that could happen if she reached out to this person was that the person did not return the same affections, but at least she (my friend) would know the truth.  IMO, the unknown is often worse than the opposite.  Unrequited feelings is something that will probably bring angst to my college friend's life, but in due time, she will overcome and life will revert to normal.  Whatever that is this thing people dub "normal"!

I told her about the synopsis surrounding the love story about the butterflies.  A brief explanation...there once was a young man who liked this other young man, both in the same grade in high school, but he never had the guts to approach him because of being of the same-sex.  The first young man eventually graduated college and became a successful attorney (never married), but still he thought about the other young man.  One day, while the first young man (now a man in his early 30s) is waiting for his train to arrive at the depot, he spots his crush.  The other young man has turned into a dashing gentleman (also in his 30s), and is dressed quite debonair.  The first gentleman approaches the man who long captured his fancy, and it turns out that the second man also had an attraction to the first man.  I told my friend that I was not going to tell her the ending because it is not yet known...the two are still together and are very happy.
Bottom line, I told my college friend to just approach the other person, and go for it.  I told her to be mindful, respectful, and gentle.  If the feelings are not mutual, she needs to accept it, and whatever relationship is mutually attainable at that point.  But, to be ready to lose a friend in case the other person cannot accept such a revelation, and freaks out.  A true friend might freak, but will eventually return to the nice, safe domain of a true friendship if such ever did exist.  
Notwithstanding, if things do go well between my friend and her crush, upon certain feelings being exposed, then kudos to them both, and may they be as happy as butterflies no longer waiting to be set free.
Here is a link to a funny story I read a while ago: How to Tell if You Genuinely Like Someone

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Self-Indulgence: Being Successfully Wise or Wisely Successful!

"Along with success comes a reputation for wisdom." ~ Euripides

It's just a simple quote to ponder today as we try to stay warm.  As soon as I came home from another eventful day at college, I read and wrote.  One of my favorite things to do is to get organized, so yeah, I am overkill in that department.  But it is okay (for me) because it keeps me busy, and it makes me better at my job and with my college work.  
The ability to be organized is one of the examples, quizzas, that Euripides was referring to in his aforementioned quote.  If so, hooray for me.  J.K. However, I still procrastinate - so no one come out with ribbons or prizes for me because I have my faults; many faults.  
As I touched upon regarding the weather, it has been a little chilly for the last two days, but not too bad.  I have pulled out my leather jacket and worn it only because the wind has been prickly and the wind chill has been contemptuously beating down on one's skin ; ominous weather to come, that is for certain.  
I believe that the weather (more like "whether") forecasters are touting the fact that another cold front is fast approaching our area, thus making it cold for the next few days.  To that comment and to that idea, I say: "bring it on, Windy and Gus!"  Windy for the harsh winds that blow from her belly, working ever so passionately and arduously to get all the attention that she can because her time for swagger is quick and abrupt.  I often tell my 20 year old niece that Windy is never invited to events, yet...there she is.  As for Gus, well, Windy is the nemesis to Gus.  Gus's soft winds are quiet and shallow and lesser traits of this mellow zephyr.  While the almighty Windy blows vast amounts of strong winds, Gus is timidly blowing soft spurts of nothingness.  
Oh, do not ask what that was about...I am entitled to moments of "WTF!"

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Dora's Corner: Filing and Cabinets: No, It Is Not Administrative Professionals' Day! The State of Texas is Readying for 84th Legislative Regular Session 2015!

Okay, let's get this straight, I attended the politically-lead classroom meeting this afternoon for extra credit; not that I need it, but I do like seeing politicians in person to hear what they have to say.  The politician may not always be a member of the same political party with which I define myself and give my support and allegiance; however, I allow myself an open mind, and I listen to "the other guy." Often bored, but I listen.
Anyhow, the meeting was lead by the District 82 (Republican) HoR who represents Midland and surrounding areas.  Let's leave names out of it, if you will.  You may take whatever meaning you want from that last statement.  It is a play on words.  Think about it.  You can either think I was refraining from calling the HoR a bad name - or - that his name is not important enough for me to write down.  Think of it as we, John Lennon fans, feel about John's murderer; the murderer is not important enough to mention, and by not mentioning "his" name, Lennon fans refrain from lending the s.o.b. killer any credibility or notoriety; both things that the s.o.b. was seeking.  It is a credo started by John's widow, Yoko Ono, and famous Beatles band mate, Paul McCartney.  I kid the people...I would never call a politician an s.o.b. or an ass (unless he deserved it), but I would neither dare put the District 82 HoR in the same category as the one and only (legendary) John Lennon; "Imagine!"  I merely decided not to write the D-Rep's name down because his political views and platform differ greatly from mine.  Besides, I do not see "him" putting my name down on his blog.
Anyway...back from my tangent...

First Day of Filing Draws More Than 350 Bills:

This story captured my attention enough for me to post about it.  I only wish that I had not arrived a bit late to the meeting with the District 82 Rep, or I would have referred to it (the story about the 250 bills filed) because, man, did I have a lot of questions.  I hate arriving late to anything - it rattles me and mucks up my feung shui and my ability to function.  I was late because I had to tutor someone in the Learning Center (a.k.a. library), and before I knew it, the time for the meeting to start was five minutes past.  FYI - the library is my sanctuary, all my friends and family know where to find me if I am not in class or answering my cell (LOL).  (another tangent?!!)
I almost decided not to attend the politically-based meeting with the D-82 Rep, as I stated, I do not need extra credit (I have a 4.0 in my gov't class), but something was nagging me to go anyway.  I am glad I did.  I always look forward to seeing my government professor, he has so much to teach and excellent stories to share (especially outside the classroom).  It makes the professor happy to see some of his students at these events especially when he has announced them during class; his is big on civil duties and participation.  I also got to see my study-buddy there.  He is a nice guy.  He is from Mexico, and has a lot to teach as well.  Soon he will be able to vote, and I plan on bringing him over to the blue-side of politicking.  I wish I could have drawn other millennials to the Dem-party during this past Mid-term election.  The younger gens need to start taking government seriously and showing up to vote.  I was passionate about politics when I first started college years ago so I do not subscribe to the idea that young people (20-30) do not vote because: "they are young, they have no interest in politics at this age, and that young people are not affected by politics; therefore, they do not participate."  Bullshit is what I say to that crap.  Politics is important and every person matters and every vote does count.  Remember the "paradox of participation."
Click on the title above to see what kind of bills were filed for probable review by the legislature when they meet on January 13th to start the Regular Session.  Wow, 140 days of nonsensical jibber-jabber and probably getting no real work done - again.  LOL.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Self-Indulgence: You Say You Dislike Ppl Sans Social Skills, But You Are One of Them: #SocialMediaFrenzy!

I get a kick (pardon the idiom) out of students who complain about social media (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc...) and texting.  Most students in one of my hybrid courses say that people just need to put down their cell phones and start communicating (face-to-face) with other people around them.  That is a huge ROTFLMAO - IMO and a big ole joke.   The same students add how they stay clear of social media sites, and then they go on to explain why they "supposedly" refrain from social media.  However, I doubt that staying clear of social media is truly their stance.  In theory, the students might think that they are steering clear of social media and an over-abundance of texting; yep, this could be how the students view themselves as they stand on an imaginary soap box, but they are WRONG!
Either the students are posting their views while they are in a drunken stupor, and they cannot be held liable for the untruths that they spew (or write down) - or they are plain lying.  I vote for the latter reason; liars, they be!
Bottom line is that I do not see valid proof of what they are "pontificating" against because when I arrive to one of my classes (esp the one that contains the majority of the students who cut-down social media and such), well, their actions speak louder than words.  The actions, BTW, is that every single solitary student is texting, gaming, surfing the WWW, or doing anything minus communicating via that one-on-one that they chided us about via a college-required blog post.  
I would gladly talk to anyone, but I am not going to always make the first move.  I am a believer in equal opportunity, so yeah, I have done my share and reached out to the students...my experiment going forward (until the semester ends) is to see how many of these students will open up any verbal dialog with me.  It will be interesting.
Anyway...shake it off, guys!  Stop trying to be someone you are not, and just admit that you are social media whores and texting fanatics. 
Instead, the thing that you could improve upon, in the meantime, is your awful spelling and grammar, your awful misuse of words, and your appalling sentence structure, and on, and on, and on...Let go of whatever disdain you might have for those who are comfortable and secure with themselves to freely admit that they (we) love social media and such, and instead focus on improving on your writing skills.  Maybe your pathetic writing skills is really what keeps you off social media sites.  Pobresitos!
This gif is for you, "pontificators and liars"

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Dora's Corner: Writing Well: RYW: Represent Yourself Well!

Warning: Long post...dead ahead...
I am astonished at how many college students lack a sense of writing and/or good writing skills.  I often partake of peer reviews which includes editing papers for mechanics and grammar, and as doing as such, I am mostly met with moments of: “SMH!”
In today’s social media, hashtag e-world, we all know that SMH is the acronym for: “Shaking My Head”.  Heck, some millennials not only lack the ability to write well, or at all, but some are impacted with a lackadaisical disability which severely impacts their sense to write words in their entirety.  Possibly that is why they revert to using acronyms.  Perhaps their time is much too important to spend on writing out every single solitary word.  But, no, I disagree.  I realize and accept why words are cut short; texting.  Texting has to be done so quick that one has to short-cut many words to send a quick text or reply to a text.
I accept that justification (of short-cutting words) when it pertains to texting, and I have come to the realization and acceptance of why one must short-cut words via social media as well...short-cutting via the likes of Facebook might not always be done due to time-constraints, but to be cool.  However, unless one is "tweeting" and only has 140 characters with which to get one’s point across, then a person's purpose for posting updates with acronyms is shamefully to appear cool.  Those who subscribe to the idea of short-cutting words through acronyms and such might think that they appear cool (and uncaring because uncaring is cool these days), but in reality, they appear hindered from living in the real world, quizzas!
IMO (there I go with an acronym, but it is justified here)...millennials short-cutting words and phrases to appear cool is okay - if that is how they will fit into today's society (or lack of society), then more power to the millennials.  But to add, I do not really  wish to know what someone was trying to convey in a silly, short-cut phrase via social media.  Instead, maybe stay clear of social media, or for certain, just keep your post to yourself, because I am not going to read it.  Take that (acronym) “ROTFLMAO” and shove it!
If one is on another social media site other than Twitter, one should really not short-cut one’s words.  When you think about it, short-cutting one’s own words is under-cutting one’s own ideas and views. It becomes self-stifling.  If we do not want others to undermine our ability to write and express our opinions (i.e. rights given Americans via The First Amendment) then why would we allow ourselves to self-edit what we have to say!  If one is going to write on a social media site or perchance on a blog, then would it not be more correct and proper to translate word-for-word what one has to say instead of using acronyms and such for which others might not know the meaning.  Writing well not only includes: proper sentence structure, mechanics, and grammar, but it also includes the ability to express one’s intended purpose(s); to explain!  What the story/post/update means is up to the writer to translate properly in order for the reader to understand.  If a reader has to look up a word, and decides to go with the incorrect definition of a word (or acronym), then most likely he or she will lose the meaning of the entire piece.  I.E. the piece gets lost in translation.
A good writer will properly and thoroughly interject his or her views onto a piece of writing and leave little chance of losing the audience or having his or her ideas get muddled.  One must define one’s writing as one defines oneself.  Perhaps the lack of translating what one has to write onto paper stems from one’s lack of knowing himself or herself...the lack of not having fully and properly defined oneself.
Anyway, if a person is hell-bent with his or her purpose to keep short-cutting words and using acronyms while texting or via social media sites, at least try to improve on one’s grammatical skills.  Most importantly, if one is going to write a paper for school and such or to blog, be mindful of one’s audience and remember that one must put one’s best foot forward.  Write, read, rewrite, reread, and be mindful which people are reading the piece; one's audience could include fellow students and writers, or professional readers and writers, professors, or someone waiting to discover the next J.K. Rowling.  Write eloquently, be respectful, and be professional.  Refer to and please remember the post I wrote on this very blog not long ago: “Contractions are for Pregnant Women…” and also refrain from using contractions and such.
Rereading is another rule in English 101, if one rereads a piece he or she just wrote, and if the piece does not sound or read well or fails to convey the message for which it was intended, then chances will favor the odds that others will not be able to understand or comprehend the piece either.
For certain, find, correct and omit the misspelled words.  My pet peeve; simple spelling errors that go uncorrected.  People who spell badly despite the fact that everyone has equal access to programs that will check one’s spelling (and grammar – a fragment is for software developers and for math - not for English), and do not correct the errors, well, they irk me.
When reading other people's updates, stories, or blog posts, the moment I get to a misspelled word or to a badly structured sentence, I lose interest and move on to something else.  If I do not read your essays, updates, tweets, or posts, it is your fault – not mine!