ONION TACOS: 7/3/22 - 7/10/22
This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template: Dora's Diary 1; by Dora Dominguez Carey 2014: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;



Friday, July 8, 2022

Book of D: Onomatopoeia

The pfft one hears when listening to the GOP justify their precarious and often dangerous agenda. L😊L. I just wanted to use the word "onomatopoeia" because it is my favorite one in the English language – right after the word magnanimous. There's just way too much to say about the maltreatment of women and children at the hands of the "repukes," so I'll leave that discussion for another day – or for my political blog! Today is Friday and Ima celebrate FriYAY! ANYWAY . . . enjoy my cartoon compilation. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Book of D: The Weird Feels and Dreams

Dreams are so weird, but there are answers as to why a person dreams certain things or about certain people. One reason could be boredom, and another one could be not feeling accomplished (another take on boredom. lol). Take today for instance, it is a slow day. We just came off a 3-day holiday weekend, and today is slow-going at work. As for counseling, it is slow, too, since I gave my clients and myself the day off yesterday. I haven't really been as productive as I normally would like to be. I am feeling a little off my game, per se. I do not have that once-a-month empty sensation that creeps into the pit of my belly (a.k.a., "dark days"), but it feels like it could break toward that course at any moment. Ughhh!
I had the weirdest dream last night about my ex and her mom's funeral. The weird thing is that my ex's brother told me that their mother was cremated when she died last month, so having an actual funeral take place for their mom in my dream is what makes it so weird. As for the dream, I showed up to the funeral despite being advised not to. I was greeted in a nice way by my ex. She was genuinely happy to see me as was I to see her. She had me sit next to her in the funeral parlor where her brothers and immediate family members were. My ex and I had a nice conversation. I don't remember it all, but I just had this nice feeling that we had had a nice talk  – you know. I drove to the cemetery alone in the dream. Several of us got lost on the way to the gravesite. We all stopped at the top of this eerily looking hill with a culvert on either side; we had apparently been on the meandering road for several minutes before I decided to stop and get directions. It felt like we were in a Stephen King novel for a while except we were in San Antonio instead of in Castle Rock. Lol. . I called 4-1-1 to locate the funeral home and eventually found out where the graveside service would be held, so we all got into our respective cars and drove back to the entrance of the cemetery where the service was being held behind this tall, wooden fence (it reminded me of my ex's parent's backyard). The graveside service had just started as I arrived. I sat a few rows behind my ex and her brothers. I saw my ex sitting across her mom's casket, and she was crying as I had never seen before. She was inconsolable. It broke my heart. I saw her husband sitting next to her, and he was holding on to her hand really tightly and hugging her; he was weeping hard, too. I got a huge amount of relief from seeing that. I was glad that my ex had someone to rely on for comfort. As the service ended, I introduced myself to her husband, and he seemed happy to finally meet me. He shook my hand and smiled, and my ex grabbed my other hand and held on to it for a long time before thanking me for being there and ignoring her advice to stay away. We all ended up meeting at some location to fellowship and eat, but mostly to celebrate my ex's mom's life. I woke up not long after that. I was not perturbed by the dream at all. It made me happy. I wanted to write it down, but life and work found a way to interrupt the flow, so here I am writing it all down some 10 hours later.
I love reading, writing, and doing research, so naturally, I looked up information about dreams. I found a few articles here and there, but the one that interested me the most was by Moss and Fellizar who wrote What Do Dreams About Your Ex Mean?Bustle magazine (2020). Moss and Fellizar said that dreaming about an  ex's parent could mean several things, one of their interpretations: "An ex's mother making a cameo in a dream can mean that you may still have some 'unresolved issues' with your former love" (2020).
Hmmm . . . that kind of does make sense because as an unresolved issue, I have been wanting to reach out to my ex, as a friend – not as an ex – to extend my sincere condolences on the loss of her mom. She lost her dad last year, and as much as I wanted to reach out to her then, I decided it was best to leave her alone to mourn as she needed to sans any disturbance that my correspondence might have had on her. Now that her mom has died, I still want to reach out after I give my ex some time to mourn that loss, too. Her mom and I had a nice friendship and she meant quite a lot to me. Her mom helped me out several times in a myriad of ways, she was like a parent to me. I, too, have felt the loss of my ex's parents in a heavy manner. Not like having lost my own parents, but in an uncanny fashion of sorts. Anyway, if the weirdness and the feels are due to not feeling accomplished or because I am subconsciously carrying around "unresolved issues," it is probably time I do something about it.