This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template: Dora's Diary 1; by Dora Dominguez Carey 2014: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;



Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Book of D: Dominguez Sisters Coffee with Mama

 Ðora Ðominguez  is with Aurora Dominguez  and 2 others

Shared with Public
... My four sisters and I texted today - as we usually do each day. Today was a bit different, we mostly shared personal "stuff" about our beloved Mom who passed away on this very day, nine years ago.
One of my sisters (Betty) shared a story about her and mom drinking coffee almost each day, my sister stopping by Mom's for coffee banter before heading to work. My other sis (Aurora) commented how she wished all of us could have had "one more" cup of coffee with Mama before Mama passed away. We each took pics of ourselves toasting a cup of coffee to Mom, in memoriam. (*see my other post of those pics here *)
The stories my sisters shared, and the wish my older sis (Aurora) had about us having had "one more" cup of java with Mama (pardon the rhyme) inspired this drawing. It also inspired the idea of always celebrating the "one cup" of coffee on this poignant day whilst toasting the important person in our lives: Mom. #NewFamilyTradition
Gone, but never forgotten.
We miss you, Mama.
Dominguez Sisters Coffee with Mama
(L2R: Dora, Eva, Aurora, Mama, Betty, & Josie)

In Memoriam: Remembering Our Beautiful, Wonderful, Magnanimous Mama!


Thursday, November 12, 2020

Book of D: Der Spiegel Described America's Predicament Best


 Even Germany's Der Spiegel Magazine 
Doesn't Care Much for the Dictator-in-Chief (a.k.a. 45)
DS described it best - in pictures:
Trump: Ruining the U.S.A.
Biden: Rescuing the U.S.A.
(both at the beginning of their role as POTUS)

Monday, November 9, 2020

Book of D: The GSA Must Go Away - ASAP

The Administrator of the General Services Administration (GSA), 
 Emily W. Murphy, 
 needs to recuse herself or resign or better yet, get fired

Trump Appointee Delays Biden Transition Process,

Citing Need For 'Clear' Winner

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Book of D: My How the Conceited Refuse to Concede

 Y'all, living in lalaland won't help you now. 
You lost! 
You will be removed according to 75 million Americans, 
the U.S. Constitution, 
and POTUS #46 Biden and VPOTUS Harris. 
Come January 20, 2021 at 12 pm, 
the trumptler and pence will be but a memory. 
Can this agnostic get an amen. 😁

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Book of D: Remembering the Santa Barabara 2019 Collegiate Recovery Staff Summit

 One year ago, sans Covid-19, several of my colleagues around the country and I gathered at UC Santa Barbara for the annual Association of Recovery in Higher Education (ARHE) Collegiate Recovery Staff Summit. Most of us stayed at the hotel in Goleta; we met in the lobby and chatted before and after the respective daily sessions. We had dinner and went shopping in the historic downtown area. On the final day, we gathered at the beach as a group for pictures. The beach was just a short walking distance from the beautiful UC-SB campus. It was a joyous trip, overall. I networked the heck out of the Summit, and I made new alliances with CRP members from different universities from across the country: UC-San Diego, Purdue, LSU, UNC, Florida St., Texas Tech, U of Georgia, Georgia St., UVA, WVU, Virginia Tech, U Virginia, etc.... And, of course I strengthened current alliances with fellow UT System schools, other Texas universities (TCU, SMU, Rice, UH), and other midwestern and western schools.

This year, the ARHE 2020 VIRTUAL COLLEGIATE RECOVERY STAFF SUMMIT begins tomorrow via Zoom. Although it won't be the same as meeting in person (the 2020 Summit was supposed to take place in San Diego), I'm looking forward to seeing my colleagues from various universities around the country. I especially look forward to the meetings and everything we learn and share, which in turn helps each of us (staff members) improve the collegiate recovery services we provide at our respective universities.

Book of D: Trump's 2020 Helter Skelter Gang

They are ignorant. They protest because their dictator-in-chief tells them he's being cheated out of winning the election without even showing proof. There's no proof of fraud. There's nothing in the election rules that states that counting mail-in ballots (that were postmarked accordingly) is fraudulent. Counting mail-in ballots has been done for a long time. It began as a way to ensure our military could vote while they were stationed away from home. But, of course trump doesn't care about that as he has pretty much shared his disdain for the military. That stupid idiot (trump) and his pathetic kids and staff should perhaps exercise some due diligence and READ the constitution and the election rule book. Trump is needlessly and shamelessly creating more strife in this country, and if/when he goes to court to try to fight all of this, the courts are not going to be happy that 1. He doesn't have legal means to sue 2. He is inciting violence. Bottom line, trump needs to just shut the f^ck up already. Let the votes be counted. No one really knows who is going to come out the victor, for all we know, trump could be headed back to the White House (L-rd help us all). 

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Book of D: Trump & Friends Supreme Court Blues


Book of D: The State of the Race 2020

 As of noon time, CST, only the Associated Press has allocated Arizona's 11 electoral votes to Biden. MSNBC & CNN have not. My spouse and I are political junkies, so we are closely monitoring the process. We have had little sleep, but we are both at our respective jobs working as usual with the prospect of changing who will be our next POTUS looming in the background, per se.

I want to add that the Latinx community (young and old) in Arizona are awesome. The younger Latinx community is also making fantastic strides in Texas. I believe that Arizona Latinos have had it way worse for a longer time and are sick and tired of all the maltreatment and oppression by their white counterparts and the abhorrent laws that have been enacted to keep Latinos down and "in their place" (I call bullshit). The Texas Latino community is kind of spoiled compared to Arizona. Conversely, the Texas Latino community has not had to put up with the likes of SB1070 (Arizona's "show me your papers" state bill), which was thankfully ended in 2016, six years after it's evil inception in 2010. The Texas Latino community did not have to suffer under the likes of the most racist governor of all time: Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer - and all the wrongdoings she did to undocumented and documented immigrants and Latino citizens. The Texas Latino community did not have endure the bullshit, cowardly, and hateful actions of one Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio. Nope. The older Latino community in Texas (including Florida) has not been as mistreated as our brothers and sisters in Arizona. The Texas Latino community (including Florida) are guilty of cowardice in voting for trump. The Texas older Latinos want to fit in with a crowd that might accept their vote but will never accept the color of their skin much less accept them as equals. The Texas older Latinos (including Florida) blame a fear of socialism for not voting Democrat; the idiotic fear of socialism that trump convinced them they would be subjected to if Biden won the presidency. I might be able to give the Floridian older Latinx crowd a break of sorts for fearing socialism since many of them have lived under socialist rule before coming to the United States, but at the same time, they should know what socialism really looks like, and it isn't Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The Texas older Latinos (including Florida) should be ashamed for not having done their homework and falling for the trump bully pulpit. 

Biden is no more a socialist than trump is a Christian. 

So, once again, kudos to the younger generation of Latinx voters for doing their part, especially in Arizona. My heart breaks for all of us Latinos who worked so hard to overcome republican rule - shame on those Latinos who stood in our way.

They do NOT deserve to be called Latinos.

Update: Wisconsin and Michigan were called for Biden earlier today.

Saturday, October 31, 2020




My UT Permian Basin family.

(L2R: Me, Chris, my 2020 intern from Texas A&M Commerce, and 
Corey, my supervisor and Dean of Students)
So, I chose UTPB for a myriad of reasons for obtaining my both an B.A. and M.S., 
and I will never regret it because it was/has been a phenomenal ride.
Ŧexas Ŧech Happy Halloween.
However, Ŧexas Ŧech is my choice for my PhD.
Fingers crossed I get accepted, but I have 25 other plans;
one for each of the other letters of the alphabet 
(aside from the letter "B"  from which most plans orginate! 😅). 
So . . . Wreck 'em and Guns Up!

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Book of D: October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM)

Thank you to the wonderful people at
Crisis Center of West Texas
and to my awesome DSAL, SGA, & Student Life colleagues from the
UTPB - The University of Texas Permian Basin
for helping with tonight's DVAM Virtual Vigil (via Zoom). #Survivor 💜💜💜

My Community Colleagues (video fellows):

Aaron Thomas (Crisis Center of West Texas, BIPP Coordinator/ Community Service Manager)

Alexandria Hart-Adcock. (UT Permian Basin Sergeant, UTPB Campus Police Department)

Audrey Spotts (UT Permian Basin Student Government Association, Parliamentarian)

Corey James Benson (UT Permian Basin Dean of Students/Title IX Officer, Division of Student Affairs and Leadership)

Chris Boyer (Fall 2020 Intern for UT Permian Basin, Graduate Student at Texas A&M-Commerce)

Diana Ortiz Balderrama (UT Permian Basin International Student Services & Financial Literacy, Division of Student Affairs and Leadership)

Dora Dominguez-Carey (UT Permian Basin Student Development Specialist/Title IX Officer, Division of Student Affairs and Leadership)

Elizabeth Andrews Teixeira (Crisis Center of West Texas, Prevention Services Director)

Hannah Horick (Crisis Center of West Texas, Communication and Development Coordinator)

Narita Holmes (UT Permian Basin Title IX Coordinator and Assistant Compliance Officer, Division of Compliance)

Rachael Duke (UT Permian Basin Administrative Assistant II, Division of Student Life)

Sarbagya Malla (UT Permian Basin Student Government Association, President)

Book of D: Wrought Iron Works (new hobby)

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Book of D: 2020 Texas Association of College and University Student Personnel Administrators (TACUSPA)

 Another Successful TACUSPA Conference has wrapped up.
This year was supposed to take place in Austin . . . thanks a lot, 'Rona. 😉
Last year's 2019 Conference was held in San Marcos, Texas.
The 2019 event was my first conference as a member of TACUSPA.
My colleagues and I had a wonderful time.
My supervisor, Corey Benson Dean of Students  UT Permian Basin (UTPB),
encouraged me to become a member, and I am so glad I did.
The Department of Student Affairs, which TACUSPA's members mostly consists of,
 is vital to every single college and university campus – everywhere.
I will be forever grateful that Corey gave me such a marvelous opportunity when
he asked me to accept the position of Student Development Specialist for UTPB; 
part of the UTPB Student Affairs and Leadership Division (DSAL).
It was quite the transition from the previous title I had with UTPB Student Success.
If you had asked me ten years ago what I would be doing at this juncture of my life,
I definitely would not have said I would be a non-traditional student in grad school 
with a career that allows me to follow my passion: mental health.
💙 Carry on, y'all. Life is good. Falcons Up! 💙