ONION TACOS: Why we need to remember our past...
This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template: Dora's Diary 1; by Dora Dominguez Carey 2014: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;



Monday, September 28, 2009

Why we need to remember our past...

I am not perfect, and do not claim to be. I just want to be the best person I can be and to show appreciation for what I have and for what others have done for me. I have had numerous difficult times in my life -and am currently going through another rough time. Thankfully, though, I have overcome many of those difficulties but they linger close to my heart and are deeply embedded in my mind so that I do not forgot them because true is that old adage of "remember your past or you will repeat it".
If someone needs my last dime, I remember a long time ago being without one myself so I will give it because ever since I have had a change of heart to give rather than to expect to receive, He has never allowed me to go without anything. He has replaced my dime many times with dollar bills or just with a full heart and good health and a loving family with their own good fortunes. If someone needs a ride anywhere, I will bend over backwards to give the person a ride because I remember the countless times I had no ride so that I could go to work, to school, to Dr's appts or just to run daily errands. It totally bites to be without a car, and I just don't see how anyone could ignore other people's needs. I am deeply saddened by the idea that those who have never been without a vehicle simply just do not understand what it is to be without one therefore they justify their lack of helping others by way of some stupid excuse. Or they just ignore the person's needs. It's so very shameful when one ignores others needs when that person who needs assistance is one who has always been there for you. If someone has done something good for me, I will remember it for a long time and try to one day repay the favor or will just show little bits of gratitude here and there. If I once bought you a little gift, took you to eat or just did a little something nice for you...you probably once did something nice for me at a time I needed it the most. If you do not remember an occasion in which you did do something nice for me, then my gift was just to show my love, respect & appreciation for you, of how much you mean to me. The things I do for others are never-never-never about what that person can do for me to repay me one day. I believe in doing things for others without never expecting them to pay you back. Not even money; one should lend money if one can afford it and then treat the idea with no expectations of getting the money back. After all, if you could afford to lend it, you should be able to afford to not get it back. Don't lend it if you cannot afford it - those who truly understand your situation will understand.
Here lately as Sara and I have had our struggles, there have been many people who have offered an ear for us to just vent and it meant a lot to us. Some have actually offered money and although we have turned it down, it meant more to us that it was offered. My Mom has given me money and I am deeply grateful to her for it. She is truly a God send. Her offering of the money came at a most needed time for us and it was hard for me to accept it, but thanks to my sister Josie, she and Mom made me realize why I needed to take it. Regardless of what I have done for my Mom in the past that she wanted to show her appreciation now, I will continue to do whatever I can for her and for my entire family. If a person completely ignored our struggles and was not concerned enough to pick up a phone, to open up their outbox to send an email or to figure out a way to just communicate with us to see how we were doing - we forgive their lack of action. Even if we were there for them once before, and they have not tried to find out how we are, we forgive their lack of action and continue to wish them the best. We have been okay. Even when the worst of days seemed upon us, we made it somehow and blessed were we that some people did show concern for us and were part of the reason that we overcame certain things. Most people just need someone to listen to them or to acknowledge their tough times. If I failed to be there for someone who needed my help, shame on me. I pray for forgiveness and that I learned from it and will not forsake anyone else going forward.
I still believe Sara and I have it good, though. There are way more people out there
struggling worse than us - whether we know them or not - other's are suffering badly. Some people have no home, no food, no family. I feel very wealthy compared to most. I am most thankful to date for my Mom and for her health. She cares for her family and loves us unconditionally like no one else. She is always there when we need her even when we have forgotten her needs, even when her health is worse than ours, even when someone treated her badly, she is there. She makes excuses for our shortcomings and continues to brag on us even when all we did was what one should do as part of life. I love her dearly and value her so much. I want to love her, appreciate her and do for her as much as I can while we are still blessed to have her here with us.
In the end, what do I really know...just that more people need to try harder to lend a hand or an ear. It really is not that hard. Just picture yourselves in other's shoes and run with it...(pardon the pun).

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