ONION TACOS: Why Texas Tech AD, Gerald Myers must resign or also be terminated:
This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template: Dora's Diary 1; by Dora Dominguez Carey 2014: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;



Thursday, December 31, 2009

Why Texas Tech AD, Gerald Myers must resign or also be terminated:

I am especially citing Gerald Myers for using the James family ordeal to terminate Coach Leach because it was Myers who first wanted to hire Coach Leach then became indignant with Coach Leach in years to come because he never joined “Country Club Myers”. Furthermore, Coach Leach refused to succumb to being a “yes man”; he did things his way as a head coach should be allowed. No decent coach would ever agree to play the role of marionette. In further stating my views of Myers and his inabilities as an Athletic Director, it was Myers who proceeded to get Coach Bob Knight hired even when Indiana University fired him and no other institution wanted him. But, because Myers was a friend of Coach Knight, Myers disregarded Bob’s reputation for being hard on players. At the beginning of being hired by Myers, Bob Knight brought a lot of fame to Tech but little glory half-way through his contract and almost none in the end. The Tech men’s basketball team suffered severely under Knight as many good players gradually left the team for obvious reasons directly relating to Knight’s treatment of them. Our team diminished in power through the years under Knight and as victories became fewer, they were usually over-shadowed amidst controversies that be Coach Knight. This was a coach who blatantly mistreated his players, but he was allowed to retire his position in his own time as head coach of the Texas Tech Men’s Basketball Program and even allowed to name his replacement long before he retired. The replacement Knight named was his son, Pat Knight, whom I strongly do support and wish well.
So what is my point regarding Myers not being a good AD for Texas Tech?  That he allows a coach like Bob Knight (whom I do respect and support), with a long-storied reputation for being hard on his players and whom has had numerous grievances filed against him, to remain employed as a coach for Tech.  But then takes part in firing Coach Leach whom has never had such allegations brought forth against him in nearly 10 years with Tech prior to James.  That deal stinks but will not go away, Mr Myers, you will be next if Raider Nation has anything to do with it.

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