ONION TACOS: America: Get with the times already!
This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template: Dora's Diary 1; by Dora Dominguez Carey 2014: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;



Friday, June 11, 2010

America: Get with the times already!

Get with the times my dear America, after all football is the most celebrated and the most popular game in the entire world. Yes, America, there is another game named football and it does not consist of our usual American-type football game requiring an 11 man roster on defense, offense and special teams. This world-wide game of football requires plenty of endurance, power, and the need for each player to be involved in all aspects of the game. Someone once said: “a football player (referring to the game coined as such in the United States) can play football but he cannot play soccer; however, a soccer player can play both sports with no problem”. True or not, I casually smirk as I think on that comment and am more apt to lean towards believing it than not.
Anyway, whether or not the USA –as a whole- ever tries to learn this great game of football -or stops calling it soccer which is doubtful but understandably so- and whether it ever embraces it as the rest of the world has is irrelevant in my story.
FIFA World Cup 2010 has arrived and its popularity keeps growing and shows no sign of slowing down or even diminishing. In ending I ask more Americans to support Team USA and give football (hmm, I meant soccer for you) a chance.

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