ONION TACOS: 02/01/2012 - 03/01/2012
This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template: Dora's Diary 1; by Dora Dominguez Carey 2014: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;



Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Repubs Gone Wild: Dissing President Obama!

(click here) The 10 Worst Moments of Disrespect Towards President Obama!

01-25-12: Arizona Gov. (R) Jan Brewer shows how far (and low) Republicans, Tea Party members, Conservatives, politicians to the "right" etc. have succumbed to in continually trying (in vain) to embarrass President Obama!
And did I mention he is black?!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

The New Predator: Unmanned Drones!

The Drone Next Door: New FAA Rules Will Increase UAVs In National Airspace!

Jillian Rayfield February 9, 2012

A new set of laws will require the FAA to ease up on the rules governing domestic drone use — and to find a way to integrate them into national airspace alongside regular aircraft.
Earlier this week, the Senate passed a bill by a vote of 75-20 that had been fought over in Congress for several years, which appropriates $63.4 billion for the FAA, and, among other things, requires the FAA to loosen restrictions on domestic drone use by September, 2015.
Currently, the FAA has a strict process of licensing agencies to operate Unmanned Aerial Vehicles within the U.S., and limits where they can be flown for safety reasons. Primarily, the unarmed UAVs are being used by some law enforcement agencies for surveillance and emergency situations.
(read more here...)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Self-deportation versus Teleportation: A Latino Trekkie's Story!

Before I start my story, please remember that self-deportation is different from teleportation. The latter is a device, a transporter...it is a fictional teleportation machine used in the Star Trek universe. The Star Trek universe is fictional - it is to most but not to persons such as myself and certainly not to the Latino Trekkie who recently decided to put his self-deportation to Mexico on hold and instead via teleportation went on hiatus to the planet Vulcan...and so this is where the story begins, my amigos.
Once the Latino teleported there (Vulcan) he was told he also did not belong there. The family members of Spock felt badly for the Latino and offered him refuge. The part of them that is human wanted to knock-off the poor bastardo, but the Vulcan half spared him his life and had the Latino mow their lawn first before hiding him. It was days before the Spock family-members and the Latino decided to teleport him back to Earth...en route the Latino remembered that he may have left beans cooking and tortillas warming so needless to say upon his arrival back to his casita, the Latino found himself homeless as his home had burned to the ground. Investigators called to the scene decided that the incident was an accident and ignored the many members of the KKK that had gathered to pray for the Latino. The officials were grateful that the KKK had several crosses burning obviously to help light up the area so they (investigators) could perform their work as it was night-time. Signs of "go back home" gave the officials the warm fuzzies that the KKK could show such concern for the Latino that he have a place to call home. The Latino has since been rumored to have found a nice place to call home in an area with lots of cellars...it is six feet under according to most!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Mitt Romney Gaffes: 2012 Rep Primary: "Not Concerned About the Very Poor!"...

"Not Concerned About the Very Poor!"


Sara Ferguson, a Pennsylvania Teacher, appeared on "The Ellen Degeneres Show" today during which Ellen presented the altruistic teacher with a gift card and a $100,000 check. The check, which was donated by JC Penney, is for Columbus Elementary School -- where Ferguson teaches math and literacy. The school is part of the Chester Upland School District in Pennsylvania which is right outside of Philadelphia. The school district announced earlier in January that it was facing bankruptcy. That was when 204 teachers, including Ferguson, and 64 support staffers vowed to work for delayed pay. Ferguson was later featured in a Philadelphia Inquirer piece reporting that Chester Upland teachers had resolved to keep working without pay when the district revealed that it could no longer afford to pay its staff. With this decision Pennsylvania public schools win a round against Republican Governor Tom Corbett's effort to kill off an entire school district, but the fight is far from over. Ferguson was the guest of Michelle Obama during the State of the Union Address, February 25th.
Sara Ferguson was also the guest on "The Ed Show" on three separate occasions. Today Ed Schultz ended his show by congratulating his "favorite teacher", Sara Ferguson, for her continued efforts to keep working for free. He went on to show the segment during which Sara appeared on "The Ellen Degeneres Show" earlier today - Ed told Ellen that she was "pretty cool" for recognizing Ferguson on her efforts. He ended his segment stating that it was too bad that Republicans failed to see such positive actions and that it was also too bad that they could not learn from it.
I totally agree with Ed Schultz that the right ignores such altruism and selfless acts even if they are for the betterment of our children and their futures. I understand why Ed bids such praise. The issue I take up with Ed is simply this...that by the left exercising such philanthropy and good will, it allows Republicans to keep ignoring the issues and to keep lending a deaf ear and a blind eye to such issues. Using a term which yours truly has dubbed "Johnny Cash Syndrome", the Republicans basically ignore said issues and they will continue sweeping them under the ole proverbial rug. My "Johnny Cash Syndrome" is simple, it basically pertains to people who seldom or never deal with problems because they have come to expect others to fix things for them. Johnny Cash was this type of person according to his significant other - the one and only June Carter (Cash). Republicans have the same views - to keep ignoring issues plaguing this country because "others" (mainly the Democrats) will rise up to the occasion and fix any issues. Whether the Reps agree to how the Dems will fix things they will at first be against the ideas and then when it most benefits them, the Reps will come up with the same ideas but with different verbiage. Oh, Johnny come lately!!!