ONION TACOS: Self-Indulgence: The A, B and Cs of College: Alright, Better, and Crazy (in a good way)!
This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template: Dora's Diary 1; by Dora Dominguez Carey 2014: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;



Sunday, September 14, 2014

Self-Indulgence: The A, B and Cs of College: Alright, Better, and Crazy (in a good way)!

College has been going well.  It has only been about four weeks since I began my trek back to the land of higher education, and I have no complaints.  My classmates have been awesome, and I have managed to make some friends.  I have even become part of some study groups, but I have yet to try to get involved with any social clubs.  Maybe next semester I will delve into the world of social clubbing, but for now, I have my hands full with all my courses.  I am only taking 14 hours this semester, plus, I have officially declared my major to be in ATS/IT with the intent to receive a BAT.  The other non-computer classes are only going to enhance the knowledge I already have, respectively, and it has definitely been worth while for me to have returned to college. 
I want to add that all my professors have also been outstanding, friendly, inclusive, and a joy to be around.  They each have such different teaching techniques, which I love and appreciate.  Their different personalities and teaching styles have helped me learn to adapt at becoming more flexible with my own style of learning.  I have taken time to become acquainted with all my instructors.  I may not have done as such in my youth, but at present time and present age, I want to get familiar with them.  I want to give them the opportunity to get to know me, too.  They are so lucky.  LOL.  It is all good. 
My computer professor is a riot, but she is extremely knowledgeable in computer programming so I try to pick her brain with questions as much as possible.  My English professor is also fun to be around.  She has helped me improve my writing skills so much in just the short four weeks of being in her class.  My grammar has also improved along with my MLA.  Soon I will learn APA and maybe Turabian for future history classes.  My algebra instructor has helped me improve my mathematical skills more than I ever thought possible.  She is also an excellent teacher, and has a lot of patience and empathy for all her students.  Last, but not least, is my government professor.  He has a PhD in history, and he is extremely knowledgeable in all things government and /or politics. I really enjoy my discussions with him before or after class.  I especially like the discussions we have around other students because I like to see how they all interact.  It serves as a reminder that none of us knows everything, and that we can always learn something different if we allow ourselves to do so.

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