ONION TACOS: PTK: Dora Carey for President
This Website / Blog belongs to Dora M. Dominguez-Carey 2005: Background Template: Dora's Diary 1; by Dora Dominguez Carey 2014: Dominguez Generations, Inc. 2005;



Wednesday, May 11, 2016

PTK: Dora Carey for President

Fellow Phi Theta Kappans, I am running for the position of president. There are a variety of reasons why I would be honored to be your president – as well as reasons why I would make an ideal leader for our chapter. I have been in the corporate world for over twenty years. I have dealt with CEOs and various other executive managers. I am not afraid of hard work nor do I get easily intimidated by people; however, I am a firm believer in treating everyone with respect. I am diligent in making things happen. If I do not know the answers, I find them, but more importantly, I ask others for help. I have had extensive training in the corporate world and was named ‘district manager of the year’ three years in a row. I worked hard to climb the proverbial ladder. I was fortunate to have held executive management positions without a college degree.
Every ten years I find myself doing something different with my life; I love a challenge. My latest challenge is to get my degree. This is my third time in college. The first two times I left college for wonderful career opportunities. This time around, I was determined to finish college and finish strong. Not only because of a promise I made to my late mom a few days before she went home to meet her Maker but because of a promise I made to myself long ago.
I have always placed high demands on myself and always been a hard worker and fast learner. I am a firm believer in being a student of the world each and every day. A college professor from Texas Tech once told me, “learn a little about a lot, and you will get along with anyone.” I still follow his advice. I also follow the advice my late parents embedded in me, which is to help others and to always pay good fortune forward.
I have so many ideas I want to bring to fruition for our Alpha Beta Phi Chapter. Many of the ideas have been in my mind since I accepted membership two semesters ago, but the most grandiose of ideas I learned from attending Nerd Nation in Maryland. It was a truly magnificent trip. I made several new friends, and I networked a lot. I made alliances with Phi Theta Kappans from our Texas region as well as from other regions, including the international officers from around the country/world. I mention the ties I made during Nerd Nation because those associations are going to benefit our MC chapter a great deal.

As your president, I will continue the arduous work I currently perform as your treasurer; however, as your president, I will work harder. I want to make everyone feel as if he or she is a part of, not only the best group on our MC campus, but I want to make everyone feel like a valued family member. I will always listen to and ask you for your ideas and opinions. I will continue to maintain an “open door” policy and will reply to your questions and concerns on a timely basis. My vision for our chapter is too much to list, but at the end of the day, my vision will help bring our chapter the notoriety and respect it deserves. Together, with a strong leadership team and committed participants, we can make our chapter successful. Aristotle said it best: “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”

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