ONION TACOS: 2012 Presidential Election: Obama's "Last Hurrah"!: POTUS Gives Last Campaign Speech Of His Career In Iowa!
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Monday, November 5, 2012

2012 Presidential Election: Obama's "Last Hurrah"!: POTUS Gives Last Campaign Speech Of His Career In Iowa!

November 5, 2012 - 10:15 PM (CDT)
It was an awesome speech and an awesome event to witness for me if even from thousands of miles away via the television (MSNBC).  It was a somber yet uplifting speech.  Somber for me because it meant it would be the last time we would witness President Obama give a campaign speech but uplifting because he still has another shot at another four years to serve us and to make things way better for us than what the right does.  
I realize that although for the last four years many of his ideas and promises have been thwarted (thanks to the right) and have taken longer to come to fruition and many not yet implemented or enacted, we still have someone like President Obama to champion for us.  Yep, he is our champion, our voice in Washington...for the left, even for the right, for the elderly, for the poor, for the middle class (which is decreasing), whether you support him or not, if you are not wealthy, this man is your champion - your advocate.  The hard-right, the Neo-cons, the wealthy...they have lobbyists and big money on their side to fight for their cause (which usually benefits the wealthy and only the wealthy) and to ensure that their ideologies and voices are heard and brought to fruition of some sort.  The rest of us need representation like that and if Mr. Obama wins re-election as I predict he will (E-303), it gives millions of us something to be uplifted for and another four years to look forward to as Obama will surely be more able to get more positive things done for the sake of our country.
Yes, indeed it was a wonderful speech to witness this late evening as President Obama gave thanks to the millions who have supported him for the last four arduous, difficult years.  But oh so uplifting as we heard him speak so eloquently and honestly about how his work - our work was in need of finishing as he asked for four more years.  At one time he quickly yet gently brushed aside a tear as he appeared to be fighting his emotional side from superseding his words, he reminisced about how it all began back during the primaries when few knew him much less how to pronounce his name.  It all began for him in Iowa in 2007/08 as his newbies to the political arena and himself began the trek at trying to just win the Democratic nomination first which was starting to look stark and all too daunting but his second wind literally and figuratively began thanks to his supporters and voters in Iowa.  Thanks to one supporter in Greenwood, Iowa Edith Childs he and his staff got their second wind through her battle cry known as: “Fired up! Ready to go!”!!!  We all know how things turned out and here we are again four years later ready to re-elect the best person for the job of POTUS!
It was a chilling experience, a good one because it literally gave me chills and inspiration as President Obama gave his final campaign speech of his career, but I reminded myself to keep things in perspective to that one fact because if things go as I believe, we will see President Obama in the Oval Office for four more years.  It was the campaign speeches for himself that has come to an end, his "last hurrah"...his work as POTUS has just begun for the next four years if voters do the best thing for our great nation tomorrow night and vote him back so we can all move "forward"!  Just as he was ending the speech, he did re-invigorate this supporter of his to get as Edith would say: “Fired up! Ready to go!”!!!
In my fearless prediction, I say President Obama wins re-election and at least reaches 303 in the electoral college - the process not an actual place.  LOL!

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