ONION TACOS: President Obama 303: In My Fearless Prediction, POTUS Wins Re-election and Reaches 303 In Electoral College.
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Monday, November 5, 2012

President Obama 303: In My Fearless Prediction, POTUS Wins Re-election and Reaches 303 In Electoral College.

November 5, 2012 - 10:29 PM (CDT)
In my fearless prediction, I say President Obama wins re-election and at least reaches 303 in the electoral college - the process not an actual place.  LOL! 
If Florida's or Ohio's Republican Governors, Secretary(s) of State, and election officials don't muck things up as they have done in past years and most recently in weeks and days leading up to tomorrow's election, we should know by tomorrow night if President Obama will return to star as our champion in cause.  I say he wins because we are tired of the b/s and the lies spewed by the right and Romney's strong disconnect with the "47%", with women, with Latinos, with college students, with the middle class, with the poor and despondent, with the LGBT community, and with the elderly.  Pretty much the majority of this awesome country does not really like, trust, or understand Romney therefore we cannot support him thus we will not be voting for him.  There's no hate for him (not like the kind the right has for President Obama), we just do not 'get him' and that is his fault for being the biggest flip flopper of all time in politics and such a good liar.
Like I stated, we should-should-should know if POTUS wins re-election by tomorrow night, but everyone needs to get out and vote regardless of long voting lines and such.  We have seen voters in other states have to wait in long lines thanks to representatives and officials whom I referred to above but there they were waiting and in places where the voting places were shut down early for one stupid right-winged/GOP-led reason, the voters remained until the officials re-opened the election place.  Americans are strong and strong-willed and we will not be stifled or denied our rights.
Per the cartoon I drew on my Political Blog on October 6th, 2012...let's not forget Florida 2000.  You know the presidential election when one Gov Jeb Bush (W's brother) and Florida's SOS Katherine Harris purposely screwed up that presidential election which led to things ending badly for Al Gore who won the popular vote but because of the electoral college and Florida's muck-up, the U.S. Supreme Court "selected" George W. Bush as our 43rd president.  We need to vote and "elect" our president and not leave things up to any court to "select" one for us - not again!!!

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